Tagged Runner effect question.

By Rabiddwarf, in Android: Netrunner Rules Questions

If the runner is tagged, can I use the ability to trash a Program or Hardware, or am I limited to just the Runner's Resources.

II ask because the rule book states that when a runner is tagged, the corp can spend 1 click and 2 credits to "Trash a resource".

In the rule book, when discussing types of cards the card types are usually capitalized, while the above "resource" is not.

I apologize if it is a stupid question, but thanks for your assistance.

The one action you always have available when a Runner is 'Tagged' is to use 1 Click, spend 2 Credits and Trash any Resource only. Not Programs or Hardware. Of course, a Tagged Runner is also vulnerable to many Corp cards that may do other nasty things like trash Programs/Hardware, give Damage and probably plenty more to come. The number of Tags is irrelevant (at the moment), it just takes longer and costs more for the Runner to remove them. Cheers!

Actually, Psychographics depends on the number of tags the runner has: it lets you advance a card multiple times in one click (paying the same number of credits). You are limited to the number of tags the runner has.