Someone brought this up in another thread. I personally have mixed feelings about classes. They work in some cases and don't in others. But I think we should take an honest look at the idea. What be the benefits?
I will say this: I'm having a tough time figuring the mechanical benefit of careers in EotE.
Niche protection of the PCs? Well, the careers skills are often redundant with those you get with the specialization. Also, their use in niche protection is somewhat dubious as the distribution of which career gets which skill is more literal than game balanced.
I wonder if it would be better if they just plotted out a slew of talent trees (the same ones they already have) and disassociated them with any careers. Then just let every character pick 4 career skills and buy up to 3 specilizations (talent trees) at the same progressive cost (10 x number of trees). These trees would also come with associated career skills. Then you get 6 points to distribute across your career skills.
You'd get more or less the same effect and you could still go with the D6 route and give "suggested" careers with three talent trees and career skills. These could basically be the same as the existing careers.
In the end, all you'd be eliminating would be the extra cost for "non-career" specializations.