Business as usual

By SirSlade, in Android: Netrunner The Card Game

In my infinite boredom I though it may be entertaining to create some business cards for each Corporation, something that might be neat to have printed up and present at your gaming group or a tournament. I warn you though, I am in no way described as an "artist", graphic or otherwise, so I've decided to consider these concepts in order to avoid any sort of expectation of quality. That being said, feel free to use these ideas and make them better. Weyland Consortium NBN Jinteki Haas-Bioroid

P.s. does anyone else have strange problems with the forum, like it deleting entire strings when you press backspace? I really just don't understand it. HTML tags don't work and the insert hyperlink is wierd.

I really dig the Haas-Bioroid one. Good work!

And yes, the post editor has … issues. I wish this was a simple BBCode-using board, but it ain't.

Thanks! That's the one I spent the most time on, seeing as it's the Corp I play.

Any chance of getting them without the personal info?

I too play HB and I would like to create a position for myself in the company.

My Runner calling card will be a TRON cycle flash drive, in white of course…

Yeah, for sure. I made them using GIMP, so having that you can just straight edit them.

I've found GIMP to be a little… interesting to use, so you just have to fight it to make things look right. The link has the .xcf which is the GIMP Format and then a blank one for you to use in .png. Currently only Haas-Bioroid posted, I'll get the others done later tonight after work.

Thank you from the Human-Bioroid Relations Division! cool.gif

I also responded to that other "package" you sent me…