Card pages for the "mini" cards i.e. Upgrade cards in X-wing

By -wuhsawbe-, in The Crystal Ball and The Wishing Well

I'd love, love, love for some card pages (like the standard 9-pocket pages) to be able to put the "mini" cards that come in the X-wing game. Obviously, you'll have 18 or 20 pockets per page. (no measurements, just guessing) Having both the standard ship cards and smaller upgrades cards completely organized and in the same binder would make squad building so much easier!

I do not believe there are any binder sheets of this size currently on the market, and if so, FFG would have a nice little niche built in as both a supplier of those mini sized cards as well as the supplier for appropriately sized card pages.

Surely I'm not the 1st person to think of this, come on FFG please make it happen!