Request for new and improved official record sheets

By LethalDose, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beta

I really like the pdf record sheet that you have provided. Before launch, I'd like to see the following improvements made to it:

  • Strain threshold box modified to have 3 fields: Max Strain threshold, Current Strain threshold (reduced by obligation), current strain
  • Defense box modified to have 3 fields: Melee, General, Ranged. Also, sources of these bonuses.
  • Width of fields for Damage, CR, and Range in weapon list reduced to increase space for special qualities.
  • Increase the height of the the individual fields in "equipment list: (Weapons & armor, Personal Gear, Assets) by at least 50% to allow more space to record equipment

Also, I would like to see an official character advancement record sheet, starship record sheet, and weapon record sheet. These can simply be PDFs posted on the website along side the character sheets, and don't need to be appendices to the final book. I would just prefer them to visually fit with the the great character sheet we already have.

The character advancement record sheet should show a record, starting at creation, of the talent, spec, skill, force power & attribute purchases for a character in addition to session XP awards. The sheet should have on row/record for each purchase, and the following columns:

  • Ability name (Talent name, new spec, etc, plus location to record session)
  • New Rank purchased
  • Location of ability (Career or spec, possibly position in tree)
  • Cost of ability (or XP awarded for adventure)
  • XP remaining after purchase
  • Date of purchase or adventure (optional)

The weapon record sheet should allow space to record:

  • Name of weapon
  • Cost of weapon
  • Base weapon damage, CR, Rarity, etc
  • Current weapon damage, CR, etc.
  • Total HP
  • Used HP
  • Attachments (and HP they use)
  • Attempted mod installations for each attachment & result
  • Other item modification (e.g. effects of Jury-rig, tinker, etc)

The material on a starship record sheet should be self-evident given the stat blocks in the back of the book, but should allow space for modification records.

Thanks for the great work on the game!


Oh yeah, the Character sheet needs a location to record critical injuries , as well.

A separate sheet for the characters' ship would be nice.

Agree and agree to both of these.

I dare say! What's this !? Prototypes and examples!?

Share, enjoy. Feedback welcomed.


Nice work - thanks.

I think the Advancement sheet would be better if it separated the "starting" and "in-play" experience spending in separate sections, and perhaps was a little more condensed - after all, the chronology of "starting" purchases isn't really important.

Maybe something like:

Additional Specialisations | Skills | Talents | Force Powers across the top

Additional Specialisations would have: Name | Career | Cost

Skills would have: Name | Career Skill? | Rank | Cost

Talents would have: Name | Specialisation | Cost

Force Powers would just have: Name | Cost (always 10…)

Then subsequent purchases / rewards would be an ordered list.

For the weapons, good work, but one whole page for each weapon seems excessive. One idea I had for Mods (which I used on the gear cards) is that you just list them with a bunch of circles/boxes, e.g.: " Damage +1 oo " would represent "0-2 Damage +1 Mods". Then, empty circles represent mods not installed, circles with a tick represent successfully installed mods, and circles with a cross represent failed installation attempts. Using something like that might save some space.

It probably also needs a single line (across the top or bottom) that summarises the current stats of the weapon for ease of reference.

If I'm reading your comment right, you're gonna have to trust me when I tell you its too many columns that need to be wide to have more than one column for what you're buying. and even though the chronology of ability purchases doesn't matter at lot at creation (it does if you buy other specs) Its way easier to track your XPs available in just one column.

If you want/need a separate place for creation, just use a separate sheet for creation, and then keep the record elsewhere for advancement, or just use the sheets for advancement.


I should also explain that when recording Talents, I placed capital letter in parentheses after the name of the tree it appears in. This represents the Column of that tree where the specific instance of that talent was bought. With the information of Tree, Column, and Price, its clear exactly which instance of the talent was purchased. This is obviously important when figuring what new talents are available when it is purchased.

This was not an original idea; If I could remember where on these forums I saw this, I would credit the poster. If anyone knows who its from, feel free to let me know here.


LethalDose said:

If I'm reading your comment right, you're gonna have to trust me when I tell you its too many columns that need to be wide to have more than one column for what you're buying. and even though the chronology of ability purchases doesn't matter at lot at creation (it does if you buy other specs) Its way easier to track your XPs available in just one column.

I was thinking like this:

Also knocked up a quick version of what I was thinking for the weapon sheet as well:

Looks like it's much harder to get all that in less than a sheet than I anticipated!

In regards to the creation of the character advancement sheet, like I said, I wanted one column for every purchase, so theres one column for tracking current XP. The second page of what you linked (Unless I'm missing something) is practically to what I made, just may be a different order to the fields. As for the first page I'm not sure if its just for creation, has 4 separate columns for track xp expenditures, and doesn't place the obligation "in-line" with the other XP track. THis isn't Ideal for the way I go through it, but like I said, to each his own. The front page COULD be a place to summarize later expenditures, but that's really what the character sheet is for.

As far as the weapon sheet goes, yeah, there's a TON of info to squeeze into a small space. Half the reason I wanted to make this thread was just to draw attention to the amount of record keeping is involved in modding weapons. Its a FANTASTIC system, and so flexible, It's just a little complex. Like I said above, these don't need to be IN the book, but they should be given professional ffg treatment and made to match the way other sheets looks.


Oh yeah, I see where the first page says "Character Creation" Now. Again, if you prefer that style, thats fine. I just prefer mine for the reasons I gave above.


Yeah, front of sheet for character creation, back (and subsequent) for additional "in game" expenditures. Not sure why obligation isn't lining up for you - looks lined up on the version I'm looking at… the idea being that all the XP costs are tallied in one column (if you include character creation totals) - the far right hand column.

Anyway, each to their own. Just wanted to give people an alternate template, for those who prefer to see it split out like I do.

I've also created an example of the weapon sheet filled out - I think it still needs a bit of work, especially on the mods section - but I threw it together quickly and like the idea that all the columns line up so you can immediately see the current (final) values and all the bits that contributed to it:

How did you get the Despair/Threat symbols in the text?

LethalDose said:

How did you get the Despair/Threat symbols in the text?

I have some images that I've been using for my reference sheets. I can upload them to drop box if you're interested?

It would also be nice if the main character record sheet had a place to enter Force Rating, and an expanded area for equipment and notes. But the additional advancement and weapon sheets seem like good ideas as well.

Illya Mar said:

It would also be nice if the main character record sheet had a place to enter Force Rating, and an expanded area for equipment and notes. But the additional advancement and weapon sheets seem like good ideas as well.

+1 to the recommendation for a place to record FR, or a separate sheet for recording force powers.