House Martell
Breaking and Entering
Regroup (to get a key event card back if need one)
to the spears
Frey Hospitality
Loyalty money can buy
The red viper (PoTS) x1
Arianne Martell x1
Ser Arys Oakheart x1
Ser Gerris Drinkwater x1
Quentyn Martell x3
Ellaria Sand x1
Areo Hotah x1 (Pots)
Harmen Uller x1
Doran Martell x1 (sorry cant remember what pack but not the prince of sun one)
Ser Archibald Yronwood x1
Sarella Sand x1
Darkstar (havent decided which one yet)
Maester Aemon (not sure if want to keep him in but with plan im going to loose plenty of challenges and dont want to have to kill off people that often)
Edric Dayne x1
Lost Spearmen x3
Maiden of Posions x3
house dayne knight x3
house messenger x3
orphan of the greenblood x3
Poisoned Spear x3
The Viper's Rage x3
The Prince's Wrath x3
Blood for Blood x2
He Calls it thinking x2
Red Vengeance x3
Lord Doran's Chambers x1
Sunspear Tourney Grounds x1
The Scourge x2
The Vaith x1
The Brimstone x1
Norvos x1
Kingroad Fiefdom x2
Palace Fountains x2
Dornish Fiefdoms x3
Summer Sea x3
This not finished project and looking for honest feed back, main goal is threw icon removal. Unsure of my restricted mainly looking at buring on the sand or the red viper's bannerman although i may put in venimous blade, but I don't own that chapter pack. I am willing to get very few more cards if have to but have already put more money into game than had planned at this point haha. ANY suggestions be great