Donovan Morningfire said:
EldritchFire said:
I think that 3A for blast is perfect. If you get only 2A, you should spend that for a setback die for the target, or a boost die on the next ally to attack your target (per normal 2A cost on pg133). I think that auto fire still needs work. I think you should get an accuracy bonus at short range, or the the ability to do multiple "hits." I'll have to think on it and get back in another thread.
I think we need more thrown weapons besides just the net/bola. Melee customization/modifications are also needed, since some of the current melee weapons have hard points, but nothing to put on them. Speaking of hard points and thrown weapons, thrown weapons need to not be limited ammo 1, or else it's prohibitively expensive to customize them. This also applies to grenades. Either that or a price break for limited ammo 1 items.
Regarding Blast, it still only requires 2A if you hit, it's just now you can still get something out of a miss if you have enough Advantage, including being able to deal at least some damage to the initial target.
I agree that a few more options for thrown weapons would be nice, namely throwing knives, but I still think they should be Limited Ammo 1. Most of these weapons are "fire and forget," especially grenades, and in a lot of cases are going to be secondary weapons rather than a primary means of attack. In most movies, the person that attacks exclusively with throwing knives has a lot of specialized training to make the most of what is a sub-par ranged weapon (at least when compared to most firearms) rather than having spent time and resources making "deluxe" throwing knives (unless you have a lot of free time and a whole lot of money to spend on something that you're literally going to throw away).
For blast, I was commenting on the 3A for the miss condition. Even if you miss, the property still applies.
I can see your reasoning for most thrown weapons being "fire and forget." I was going to make a thrown-expert for a friends upcoming play test, but the decided lack of thrown weapons makes that a bit hard to do. What can I say, I usually play the odd character