How many mechadendrites?

By dava100, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

Are there rules in the DH books around how many mechadendrites a Tech Priest can have implanted at anyone time? There is plenty of cool artwork in the DH books showing Tech Priests with multiple mechadendrites but I can't find any rules.


Up to TB (Toughness Bonus)

A techie who is trying should have at LEAST 4-5 mechandrites later on, if you work at it (Secutor Alt Rank, Mining, Taking everthing little possible thing as a mechandrite (I believe the Daemon Hunter book has a special mechandrite for an alt rank and you can take the Electrograft as a small mechandrite (I see it as a USB mechandrite essentially)), you can get a LOT of them by the time high ranks (and possibly ascension) come around. One player I knew had a magos with 8 mechandrites (one was the mining helot thing refluffed as a mechandrite with the breacher drill on it)

From the DH errata.

“Mechadendrites are cybernetic limbs that are usually mounted on the back or shoulder. The maximum number of Mechadendrites a character can have mounted on their body is equal to their Toughness Bonus.”