Skarsnik and Gobbla

By Junglecat, in Warhammer Invasion Rules Questions

So I tried out this sweet hero last night. I used him to defend a zone and in doing so, Skarsnik and Gobbla had 4 dmg assigned to it. Then, in the action window between assigning and applying dmg, used his action to remove 3 damage from him and deal 1 damage to each section of an opponent's capital and draw a card. It was so awesome that I felt guilty and thought I'd better make sure in the forums that what i did was legal. Was it?

No. When you assign damage, you place the damage tokens in front of the unit card. Then, when you apply damage, you move the tokens on the card. Only damage tokens that are on the card can be moved, removed, or healed. Skarsnik would have died before you had a chance to use his ability.

Alright, thanks for explaining that. As I had played it, it seemed frighteningly overpowered.