I put together an aid for use by players and GMs. The purpose is to more easily track the relative range bands for multiple groups of combatants. It can be found here .
The hexagon grid allows different groups to be represented with any inter-group distance (same hex = engaged; 1 hex distant = short; 2 hex distant = medium; etc.) For quick reference I also put maneuver costs for moving between the different range bands, base ranged attack difficulties, as well as a summary chart of various combat dice pool modifiers.
Note that this is not intended to be a map. The ranges are still abstract constructs. However, this provides a graphical means by which the relative ranges can be tracked so everyone at the table can see who's where. This original version is in 1/2 in hexes, to be used by writing with pencil (or laminate it and use wet or dry erase markers). It could be used with miniatures if it's printed larger (say x4 such that each hex is 2 in). So for those who are disappointed by no miniatures with the EoE system, this would provide the opportunity to at least have the miniatures at the table representing your character.