target lock 360

By Drakson, in X-Wing Rules Questions

Can you do a target lock as long as the "target" is in a 360 degree range of you, in other words it does not have to be in your firing arc. However, to attack the target next or later turn would it have to be in your firing arc and range or can you just shoot the target as long as it is with 360 degree range.

On the other hand, I think this game is a lot of fun to play, and it was nice to be able to play almost right out of the box with mostly easy to understand and short rules.

Anyone got any idea of how many points the next expansions are? It seems it would be hard to kill the M. Falcon or Slave Ship.

Drakson said:

Can you do a target lock as long as the "target" is in a 360 degree range of you, in other words it does not have to be in your firing arc. However, to attack the target next or later turn would it have to be in your firing arc and range or can you just shoot the target as long as it is with 360 degree range.

Target lock can be aquired 360 degrees as long as the target is in range.

Target lock can only be spent when you are shooting, which can only happen if the target is in your front arc and in range.

The Falcon and Slave I look really great. I would assume that they are hard to kill but cost a boat load of points to field. So far the game is very balanced, I would expect the new ships to be as well.

Thanks for reply do quickly. Yes game is really balanced with great rules. I like the simultaneous rule with both pilots that are equal getting to both try and kill the other.

It would seem with the new expansions of Falcon and Slave ship that the point value of 100 may soon be a little small.

Love this game, it is the first miniature game I have played. I think I will look into others.

Right on! I love the simultaneous maneuvering mechanic as well. Great stuff! Welcome to the game!

Millenium falcon seems to be in the high 40s low 50s Slave one looks to be in the high 30s low 40s range. Looks like A-wing will be around the same cost as an X-wing and TI looks to be the same price as a reg TIE.

fiddybucks said:

Millenium falcon seems to be in the high 40s low 50s Slave one looks to be in the high 30s low 40s range. Looks like A-wing will be around the same cost as an X-wing and TI looks to be the same price as a reg TIE.

That sounds like a reasonable guess, but are you basing that on some evidence or is it just a guess?

If I was guessing I would assume TIE Interceptors would be priced at least a point or two higher. Assuming they have the same hull/no shields points, then perhaps they have greater maneuverability to regular TIES which would merit them being 1 or 2 points higher with a pilot of same skills.

magadizer said:

fiddybucks said:

Millenium falcon seems to be in the high 40s low 50s Slave one looks to be in the high 30s low 40s range. Looks like A-wing will be around the same cost as an X-wing and TI looks to be the same price as a reg TIE.

That sounds like a reasonable guess, but are you basing that on some evidence or is it just a guess?

If I was guessing I would assume TIE Interceptors would be priced at least a point or two higher. Assuming they have the same hull/no shields points, then perhaps they have greater maneuverability to regular TIES which would merit them being 1 or 2 points higher with a pilot of same skills.

I think he was basing it on the pictures posted in the preview . You can somewhat make out points for some of the cards.

Thank you, I didn't see those pics. If the graphics are accurate, then my guesses for several things are pretty far off.

Daveydavedave said:

Target lock can be aquired 360 degrees as long as the target is in range.

Target lock can only be spent when you are shooting, which can only happen if the target is in your front arc and in range.

Target lock can be spent when attacking, whether or not you can attack outside your forward firing arc is an other mater, I'm looking at you Ion cannon ;)

I'm guessing the Slave I will be about 60 points and the Falcon about 80, but I'm also assuming they may have 2 primary weapon attacks per round, or something like that. Plus lots of slottable upgrades, and of course Hull and Shields the likes of which we have not seen. By itself, a fully-equipped Falcon could be worth 100 points.

Depends on a lot of things. Looks like we'll be using the same movement templates, and they're bigger targets, so that might offset their offensive capability, knocking about 10 points off. So maybe 50-70, somewhere in there. Whatever it is, I will blow stuff up with it.

Wow, that's way off topic. :)

For TIE Interceptors, maybe they can make sharp turns without going into the red. Maybe a 5-length Koiogran Turn is a white maneuver for them. That'd be one way to make them better than ordinary TIEs without changing their basic stats. But they have four cannon, right? That might be worth Primary Weapon 3. With those kinds of abilities, they'd be worth about as much as X-Wings, I'd guess.

Smuggler said:

Daveydavedave said:

Target lock can be aquired 360 degrees as long as the target is in range.

Target lock can only be spent when you are shooting, which can only happen if the target is in your front arc and in range.

Target lock can be spent when attacking, whether or not you can attack outside your forward firing arc is an other mater, I'm looking at you Ion cannon ;)

Yeah, I would have specified that it can be used for any valid attack. A valid missile or torpedo attack requires the target be in range AND in the Firing Arc, while Ion Cannons just need to be in range. This is a trick my son figured out pretty quick with his Y-wing. Every turn he took a lock and used to increase the cannon's effectiveness. Ultimately it meant all my TIEs that were in range were taking evade actions to counter it. It's a very potent tactic.
