Alignment Confusion

By Ingot5, in Black Crusade Rules Questions

Hey guys, I dunno if it's a typo or I've read it wrong.

But on page 75 it says that a character changes their alignment to a particular god if they have 5 or more advancements for that god above the others.
That's all fine, except that at the top of page 84 it says that if a character ever has three more advancements associated with a particular god over others.
Also in the example on the same page is says 5 advances.

so is the three just a mistake? I looked in the errata but couldn't find it

I do believe you've caught a typo my friend, that or Devoted and Aligned are two separate mechanics, but I doubt that. Perhaps for an upcoming expansion?
They did something similar with Legacy weapons under the Slayer Limb mutation, where it's mentioned in the core rulebook but the rules for Legacy Weapons are only found in the Tome of Blood.

I always assumed that it is more of a roleplay thing more than a mechanic thing. Like you are actively trying to follow one god but aren't there yet.

Devoted is different from Aligned. Mechanically, Devoted does nothing. Roleplaying wise, it represents the seeking of that God's Favors. Aligned is actually recieving them. Devoted can happen at anytime, Alignment only happens at corruption threasholds.