KH promotions ...?

By zombiegod13, in Hollow Bastion

I absolutely love what FFG is doing for the UFS card game with The UFS Trade Up Promotion and the retailer incentive program. I truly believe that will do a lot to help propel the success of UFS. FFG obviously has a lot of faith in UFS for them to take such great steps in promoting the game.

So now I'm led to wonder... Will FFG do something similar for the Kingdom Hearts Trading Card Game? I really hope that they will do something to heavily promote KH, but I'm afraid to get my hopes up. I'm not sure how much faith FFG has in KH, so I really have no clue of whether or not they will do anything like this for KH. What do my fellow players of KH speculate? Do any others see something of this nature down the road for the KH TCG?

I think a lotta things are gonna happen with Kingdom Hearts TCG. Personally, I get my hopes up all the time, 'n don't really care if they get dash'd or burn'd down. Usually with my hopes bein up, my inspirations get ablazed, 'n I start thinkin up new concepts (I will make a Tarzan card, along with the rest from Deep Jungle! I already have designs 'n effects all set 'n ready for them. Just need to get movin with their actual makings. [On the plus note, I've also friends who say they will allow me to run them in fun duels, just to see how they work, so kudos to them!]), and I get ideas that inspire what I could make into rumors if I were that type of person.

Example of potential rumor (fake, of course): FFG is waitin for the latest Kingdom Hearts games to be released before they make their move on their next idea so people will be fired up about both the vid game 'n the card game. Potential releases of new promos 'n tournaments to aquire the much sought after 'Flag Sora'. /fake rumor

So yeah, while I will wait with a steady heart 'n an open mind, I kick back 'n think of possibilities that can be the 'should be/would be/could be' scenarios. Whichever 'n whatever they may present to us, I can wait. I'll just be doin other things in the mean time.

Then again... partido_risa.gif

I speak 'n therefore, there be awesomeness!! VWOOT!!

I am headin to the game store immediately!! There is much to be said, much to be plann'd, much to be doin!!!

....once it becomes mornin, that is... dern night 'n people needin sleep 'n stores bein closed...