2 Questions about Righteous Fury

By Alekzanter, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

The scenario:

Sir Dastardly is a named NPC with the Touched By Fate Talent.

Sir Dastarly shoots the PCs with an exotic weapon; a Tox-Fogger. It works like a Flamer (Range 30m long 30-degree cone, S/-/-, Damage d10+3, Pen 0, yadda…). It also has the Toxic weapon Quality.

He rolls his Damage die for hitting targets, and it comes up a 10. Does he automatically confirm RF? Like a Flamer, he doesn;t roll to hit…

So, one of the unlucky PC takes a wound from the weapon, fails a Toughness Test and Sir Dastardly roll the Toxic Quality Damage die…and IT come up as a 10. Again, does he automatically confirm RF? Can this seemingly just over mid range weapon potentially RF over and over and over without need for any rolls?

It's very late, I've literally been up forever, so I apologize for my crappy typing, spelling, puntuation, etc. Just a question that came up, looking for some other opinions.


This is exactly why I try to keep my rolls hidden. So I can change it to a 9, and be done with the dilemma. cool.gif Flame weapons don't auto hit. The target must fail an Agility Test to be hit (Flame pg 128 DH). So, have the target test Agility and see if RF struck. If they fail, then yes RF struck. As for the Toxic Auto RF……. not sure. You can go back to the agility test if you like, or do a 50/50 chance. Never had a Flame Toxic Weapon RF anyone in my games yet. Had the Needle Rifle RF people on toxic, and I think I just Houseruled using the BS for the person. Don't remember where I came up with the 50/50 chance, guess maybe I thought of that later.

you have to roll with flamer even if the score is irrevelant for 95% of the time.

But remember that 96 to 100 is a failure even with flamer.

Is this in the errata, the DH book, or a Houserule Thebigjul? I do agree that it should have a chance to jam, but alas, I don't recall ever reading that part to roll to see if it does jam.

Flamers Jam if your roll a 9 on the damage dice.

lol, I'm retarded. I quote the page reference, and totally disregard the part where it states that. Silly me.

I would like to know if, when you roll to confirm RF, you roll against your basic BS/WS or against your modified BS/WS?

The same modified target as you rolled for the attack.