OK so it's not level based (a good thing IMHO) but by this I mean a character with a lot of experience.
I was looking at the master hunter adversary last might as something an experienced character might aspire to.
The master hunter characteristics are 3s, 4s, and maybe a 5.
I did some quick math and even a character who maxed starting XP on characteristics only would still need the Dedication talent (I think that's the one that lets you up a characteristic) 4-5 times (more?) to get the master hunter stats. That means they would have to abandon a talent tree once or twice (more?) just to be able to get there.
One problem is that is it's not very realistic to go from say bounty hunter to doctor to be a better bounty hunter.
The other problem is they lose talents that aren't temporary, getting worse at what they are getting better at.
I guess they could then go back to their specializations, but do you get back talents you lost?
I understand the master hunter is a tough adversary so it should not be easy to get to that level, but it should be logical if a character tries.
Can there be some way (at a very high cost) that dedication could become available without having to abandon the specialization that they brought to the dance? Or am I missing something?