Seattle X-Wing tournaments

By DrUnK3n_PaNdA, in X-Wing Organized Play

Starting in October I'll be running weekly X-Wing tournaments in an as yet undetermined location, like Gary's Games and Hobbies, Greenlake Games or Card Kingdom. Right now I'm in the process of talking with the owners about getting the table space needed. Tournaments will likely be held on Sunday afternoons.

We will be playing escalation style until we get to 100 points, starting at 50 and raising every other week by 25, as it's a new game and we expect new players, I want the tournaments to be approachable for new players as well as players on a budget.

I'll give more information as it becomes available. Will anyone out there be able to attend?

Looking like we'll be playing on Sundays, starting October 7th at Gary's Games and Hobbies, starting at noon, ending at 5PM (Or earlier, depending on the number of players.)

Any sign-up necessary?

I live over in Bellevue so if there are ever any weekend events I would be there

yoda8myhead said:

Any sign-up necessary?

None at all right now, though that is subject to change based on the requirements for FFG prize support (if any).

DrUnK3n_PaNdA said:

Looking like we'll be playing on Sundays, starting October 7th at Gary's Games and Hobbies, starting at noon, ending at 5PM (Or earlier, depending on the number of players.)

I used to go to the Star Wars Miniatures games at Gary's Games. Parking is horrible and 2 times we were asked to move to another table because their game was some how more important than our game!

Parking can be a bit irritating, but there is actually a lot nearby that can be used for parking.

I can guarantee we won't be moved around. If you have a scheduled tournament they're very respectful of it. I played in weekly UFS tournaments there for a year and a half or so without any issue. They have a D&D game that takes place on the same day, but I'm assured we'll have room for 14 people if needed.

DrUnK3n_PaNdA said:

Parking can be a bit irritating, but there is actually a lot nearby that can be used for parking.

I can guarantee we won't be moved around. If you have a scheduled tournament they're very respectful of it. I played in weekly UFS tournaments there for a year and a half or so without any issue. They have a D&D game that takes place on the same day, but I'm assured we'll have room for 14 people if needed.

We did have scheduled tournaments in both cases. It was actually the D&D guys that had us moved mid-game both times (not the pen and paper group but the D&D miniatures group). I certainly want to join the games, just hope for a better experience than before. I even made sure to find some sort of purchase I could make at each game I went to so I wasn't a "freeloader".

My complaints are irrelevant though, at the moment I work Sundays till 3:30 in Auburn so I would catch the tail end of it at best.

If a game on Wed or Thurs ever happens, I'm there!

As noted in the BGG thread, I won't be able to attend weekly but I should be able to make every other Sunday. Also as noted, will probably host my own regular games if I can drum up the interest - currently looks like the best day will be Thursday evening, time TBD (I'm hoping for 6). These will be at the just-opened Raygun Lounge in Capitol Hill - more details when it's locked down.

Just a reminder/bump. Tournament will be held this Sunday at Gary's Games and Hobbies in Greenwood. Registration starts at noon and the tournament shortly after. The format is 50 points this week, week after next will be 75, then 100 points two weeks after that. Still no word on prize support just yet, hopefully I'll get some idea soon.

Hope to see you there!

This game seems interesting to me and I might drop by thanks for this post.


We're on again for this Sunday at noon. This is the last week of 50 points, next week we'll be moving up to 75. Thanks to everyone who showed up last week. It was a lot of fun!

I'd be interested in attending, I missed the first round though.

Hey DrUnkK3n_PaNdA, thanks for setting up week one, I had a great time playing. I should be able to make it again tomorrow!