Right, so I've managed to gather some of my favourite gamers within my reach (on the same peninsula) for a get together to night. Hopefully it'll be a blast.
Any pointers and tips as to how to run the Crate of Krayts (and how to keep them on track ) ?
I find the initiative system confusing but I have it correct when I assume that after each players has rolled initiative they choose among themselves who goes in what slot yes? So even if player A roll the highest, player B could get that slot? If the group finds it to be the best idea…
Additionally if there are any pointers as to how to run the game - any at all, quirks with weapons, skills, encounters, use of adv or threats (triumphs or despair) anything at all, please post here.
Even suggested house-rules are welcome (ie stuff not likely to become part of the official book but which you deem fun, entertaining and more or less balanced).
So yeah, wish me luck and destroy a die