...anybody but me has this game and played it actually? Got any tips to make this the pary starter at my next birthday?
Here's the BGG entry. So... Yes! (:
I have it (the old english version from Stratilebry games and the german Version from Truant even so the second german Deck with more cool cards)
It's always fun and a nice game.
Uh... why the link? I only find reviews....
Seems to be a pretty fun little game to play, can't seem to find anywhere to buy it though, not even in the FFG store.
As of today, it seems to be missing from the catalog of Silver Line games; but I can still find the News article from November 19th 2008 if I search the News for "overlord."
It would be a real shame if they're thinking of dropping this one, as this would be something I would play... alot; even though this does not really seem like an escapist game to me. In fact, it seems a whole like a day at my office, if I was honest about it!
It's great fun.
It gets played nearly every games-weekend I organize.
As for tips...just make sure you've got a few role-players in the room and try to act out the goblin you are.
Just don't try playing with less then 4 players.
Vespers said:
It would be a real shame if they're thinking of dropping this one, as this would be something I would play... alot; even though this does not really seem like an escapist game to me. In fact, it seems a whole like a day at my office, if I was honest about it!
in my experience this game did not play well with 'non role players' especially the ladies did not enjoy this... as a party game there are better options i think. iff all the players have been exposed to rpgs the story is a bit different.
So wait..is the entire point of this game just to prove your innocence? ...It sounds like my life has turned to a board game.
Roxas said:
So wait..is the entire point of this game just to prove your innocence? ...It sounds like my life has turned to a board game.
See! this is what I'm talking about.
btw YAY! A.D.O. is front page
This game sounds awesome....telling weird stories and blame others........that will be my favorite game in 2009
So does the Overlord player basically decide who wins this game? Or rather, who loses?
Based on the preview article, it seems like this game would be a lot of fun to play! (as long as you get people with imagination)
Bought it today and hope to try it with the family this weekend. Looks very fun...with the right crowd, of course.
Hillman said:
Bought it today and hope to try it with the family this weekend. Looks very fun...with the right crowd, of course.
I hope you get a chance to tell us about the weekend. I would love to know how it went.
One of my big problems with FFG is the lack of pictures and limited descriptions of their games on their individual websites. The support pages of most games have some great material, but if you don't market the product right up front, no one is going to plunk down their hard earned cash to play the game.