Release Date?

By Sketchpad, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

I may have missed it in my enthusiasm, but when is this due out? Q1 2013? Q4 2012?

According to their release list, it's Q4 2012. Be interesting to see which releases first, this or the LCG. They sure don't want to pile them on top of each other.

I'm getting more and more excited about this game. I got my Beta and I'm actually like it. I didn't think I'd like anything after Saga but FFG got me again. **** they know how to make a game. Now if they would just put some Ewoks in it and I would be perfectly happy. Yes I will keep begging for my Ewoks.

I was really hoping to see this on a pre-order by now. Well, perhaps come 1 October.

sillyxander said:

Yes I will keep begging for my Ewoks.

Custom Ewoks:

Species Abilities
Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn
Strain Threshold: 12 + Willpower
Starting Experience: 120 XP
Special Abilities: Primitive: Astrogation, Computers, Pilot, and Ranged are never class skills for Ewoks unless provided by their specialization. However, Charm, Perception, Stealth, and Survival are always class skills for Ewok characters.
Small: Ewoks are a naturally short race, and all Ewok characters are treated as Silhouette 0 for all purposes.

Characteristic Rating
Brawn 0
Presence 3
Intellect 2
Cunning 3
Agility 2
Willpower 2

sillyxander said:

Now if they would just put some Ewoks in it and I would be perfectly happy. Yes I will keep begging for my Ewoks.

Until they do publish official Ewok stats, the GSA has you covered. Plus with a whole bunch of other species to boot, such as Bith, Chiss, Gamorreans, Gungans, Mon Cal, Squibs, Sullustans, Togruta, Zabraks and a slew of others.

To all of you who have supported me in my Ewok loving coming out, thank you. I thought people were going to kick me out of the forum for admitting it. In 1984 I was 9 years old. I loved everything about Star Wars. Over my bed hung a poster of Wicket in his famous pose. I got it from a book club called Weekly Reader, every month they would send you a book, Frog and Toad, stuff like that. You got a little plastic book stand and a poster as a free gift. The poster was Wicket. I had bought a punch out book of vehicles of ROTJ and they had a hang glider of the Ewoks I had that hanging from my light in my room. With the Death Star in my head that could happen, the Ewok could fly on his hang glider and take it out. So I'm so excited about this game, I'm glad you can put together you own species and have fun without everyone telling you what you like is wrong. Guess I was stuck in Kevin Smith world where everyone hates the Ewoks. ANyhow any word on the release date yet? I really want to see this box set. I'm one of those who buys the Starter games so I can teach my group and intro them to the world in a flashy fun kind of way and then get the Core book. So to me this kind of stuff is all gravy and something I'll buy no matter what. And I think this quells some peoples worries that they wouldn't have maps and pawns of some kind. I love it.

With the Saga edition, I always wanted to play a Gungan scout that the party picked up on Naboo as part of one of those initial adventures (one of them, interestingly, in the boxed Starter ). So, no worries about playing what you want.

The only "fly in the ointment" for YOU, however, is that the furry critters hadn't been dicovered yet! You'd really have to push the envelope insanely hard to have one turn up as a PC in the Dark Times. It's like wanting to run a redeemed Yuuzhan Vong character in the same timeframe.

IG-58 said:

With the Saga edition, I always wanted to play a Gungan scout that the party picked up on Naboo as part of one of those initial adventures (one of them, interestingly, in the boxed Starter ). So, no worries about playing what you want.

The only "fly in the ointment" for YOU, however, is that the furry critters hadn't been dicovered yet! You'd really have to push the envelope insanely hard to have one turn up as a PC in the Dark Times. It's like wanting to run a redeemed Yuuzhan Vong character in the same timeframe.

As I replied in another thread, Endor's been around and known about for quite some time, long before the Empire chose it as the construction site of their second Death Star project. Honestly, check the Wookieepedia page.

It's not a major tourist stop due to its remoteness and lack of civilization, but those are the exact sorts of traits that make it a viable as a "hidey hole" for most Fringe types, And there's always a chance for an inquisitive little fuzzball to check out the strange "metal cave" and wind up on a far more exciting adventure than they bargained for.

Yeah I know they are still on Endor with no Death Star 2 being built but the Empire could have already scouted out the green moon. One of the Ewoks being curious as they are may have stowed away on a ship and walked off not know where he is or anyone know what he is. I know I know a long shot but I'm just waiting for the last game and then time wise I'm hoping I can make one. I think it would be funny to play an Ewok who really wants to be a Jedi Knight and doesn't understand why he can't be one. I think it's said only humanoid aliens can be jedi's or that's what I was told a long time ago by a game master when I came up with the idea. I always loved how he would follow around the Old has been Jedi in our group trying to prove he was worthy. But I will figure it out somehow.

Donovan Morningfire said:

As I replied in another thread, Endor's been around and known about for quite some time, long before the Empire chose it as the construction site of their second Death Star project. Honestly, check the Wookieepedia page.

I think this could vary on what the GM refers to as canon in his campaign. Some of us may not use the entire EU but primarily only the movies. If that is the case, not so much can be implied about Endor and the Ewoks. Of course, as stated above, a GM or Player could easily justify it by a young Ewok getting a ride on a passing ship that had to set down on the moon for some reason.

Wow, this thread has gone off-topic in a big way gran_risa.gif

Sturn said:

Donovan Morningfire said:

As I replied in another thread, Endor's been around and known about for quite some time, long before the Empire chose it as the construction site of their second Death Star project. Honestly, check the Wookieepedia page.

I think this could vary on what the GM refers to as canon in his campaign. Some of us may not use the entire EU but primarily only the movies. If that is the case, not so much can be implied about Endor and the Ewoks. Of course, as stated above, a GM or Player could easily justify it by a young Ewok getting a ride on a passing ship that had to set down on the moon for some reason.

Well, there's a difference between saying "in my own personal canon, Planet X was never found until ## ABY" and "Planet X was never found in the official canon until well after Significant Event Y." Like you said, a GM is free to determine what is and isn't canon in their own games, they just need to be wary of making a blanket statement about canon in general. without that disclaimer.

For my own personal canon, I tend to deep-six a lot of the New Republic stuff that wasn't written by Timothy Zahn (which incidently gives Luke a much better track record for Jedi trainees than the EU of that time frame gives him) and the bulk of the recent Clone Wars animated series, but that's my own personal take on SW canon. So who am I to say that a GM can't excise Ewoks from their games' own take on canon?

Fair enough. Perhaps I'm the only one who considers Canon = Movies and not Canon = Movies + Expanded Universe. I know I'm further derailing this thread. I apologize.

PS: It looks like from the Wookiepedia site you referenced, I'm labled as using only "Absolute Canon" versus the looser Canon which includes the EU.

I noticed that Wayland Games website has this up for pre-order with an expected release date do December 21st. Even if the date isn't correct it provides a good estimate for when we can expect to see it.

Are you saying there's no Ewok Pilots?


I remember a book where Wedge Antilles posed as one to really annoy the Empire's premier pilot, he was Baron Fel i think!

Just fumbled my star wars lore check!


What about caravan of courage?

Nothing says when the last survivor (what was her name again?) left Endor she didn't take a few Ewoks with her?!!!


Beldri said:

I noticed that Wayland Games website has this up for pre-order with an expected release date do December 21st . Even if the date isn't correct it provides a good estimate for when we can expect to see it.


On December 21st I race off to my FLGS to pick up my reserved copy of the Basic set. I quickly pay for it, thank them, and start walking back to my car hoping to race home and crack it open. A scream pierces the parking lot and I notice people everywhere looking up. I stop and glance skyward to see a mega asteroid of death growing in the sky. As the blot grows larger above me, I look back down and stand in its shade as I quickly wrip off the shrink wrap of my treasure. I get only one whif of its cardboard newness and one glance of its contents before damning the Mayan sages for being correct.

Sturn said:

Beldri said:

I noticed that Wayland Games website has this up for pre-order with an expected release date do December 21st . Even if the date isn't correct it provides a good estimate for when we can expect to see it.


On December 21st I race off to my FLGS to pick up my reserved copy of the Basic set. I quickly pay for it, thank them, and start walking back to my car hoping to race home and crack it open. A scream pierces the parking lot and I notice people everywhere looking up. I stop and glance skyward to see a mega asteroid of death growing in the sky. As the blot grows larger above me, I look back down and stand in its shade as I quickly wrip off the shrink wrap of my treasure. I get only one whif of its cardboard newness and one glance of its contents before damning the Mayan sages for being correct.


copperbell said:

Are you saying there's no Ewok Pilots?


I remember a book where Wedge Antilles posed as one to really annoy the Empire's premier pilot, he was Baron Fel i think!

Just fumbled my star wars lore check!


"His name is Kettch, and he's an Ewok."
"Oh, yes. Determined to fight. You should hear him say, 'Yub, yub.' He makes it a battle cry."
"Wes, assuming he could be educated up to Alliance fighter-pilot standards, an Ewok couldn't even reach an X-wing's controls."
"He wears arm and leg extensions, prosthetics built for him by a sympathetic medical droid. And he's anxious to go, Commander."
"Please tell me you're kidding."
"Of course I'm kidding. Pilot-candidate number one is a Human female from Tatooine, Falynn Sandskimmer."
"I'm going to get you, Janson."
"Yub, yub, Commander."

And December 21st sounds about what I was guessing. They've got a cutoff date of December 1st for feedback, so that give them time to compile the final changes and then off to the printers and to the stores.

Kettch, Ewok Pilot… sounds like destiny in the making!

"What do you mean you were shot down by an Ewok?!, I bet it was Wedge Antilles again!"

copperbell said:

Kettch, Ewok Pilot… sounds like destiny in the making!

"What do you mean you were shot down by an Ewok?!, I bet it was Wedge Antilles again!"

Funny story, I actually had a player in on of my more recent Saga Edition games play an Ewok by that name. He was frightening. His one goal was to "kill whitey (stormtroopers)" and he had probably the second highest body count after the sociopathic battle droid.

Cyril said:

"His name is Kettch, and he's an Ewok."
"Oh, yes. Determined to fight. You should hear him say, 'Yub, yub.' He makes it a battle cry."
"Wes, assuming he could be educated up to Alliance fighter-pilot standards, an Ewok couldn't even reach an X-wing's controls."
"He wears arm and leg extensions, prosthetics built for him by a sympathetic medical droid. And he's anxious to go, Commander."
"Please tell me you're kidding."
"Of course I'm kidding. Pilot-candidate number one is a Human female from Tatooine, Falynn Sandskimmer."
"I'm going to get you, Janson."
"Yub, yub, Commander."

And December 21st sounds about what I was guessing. They've got a cutoff date of December 1st for feedback, so that give them time to compile the final changes and then off to the printers and to the stores.

That was from Wraith Squadron, wasn't it? Loved that series!

As for the 21st December - not a chance in hell. If they finish taking feedback in December, it'll be February/March at the earliest for the release of the book. You've got the couple of weeks of changing all the rules in the book for the updated rules, then you have all the layout changes, and then you have to have booked the time at the printers way in advance, and then it takes about a month to be printed, shipped back to FFG, and then sent on to distributors, who then send it on to the shops.

Thinking they can get all that done in 20 days is insanity.

Donovan Morningfire said:

As I replied in another thread, Endor's been around and known about for quite some time, long before the Empire chose it as the construction site of their second Death Star project. Honestly, check the Wookieepedia page.

Personally I loved the Ewoks when I first saw the films in school. Age 10 or so they seemed awesome, beating the mighty Imperials. Now, the idea of fuzzy teddy bears with flint tipped arrows and spears beating guys armed with guns, let alone armoured guys with guns and armoured support, just irritates me (and the only part of the Star Wars trilogy that doesn't work for me now… the prequel trilogy just didn't happen). Why did George just not stick with the idea of the Wookies doing it? So what if they had been established as technologically capable. You can still have them being the poorly equipped underdog without them being armed with stone tipped weapons.

Currently listed as "on a boat", which means it is being shipped to FFG. If the X-Wing game is any indicator, that leaves enough time to make sure it is in stores before the holidays. I'm sure they will work especially hard to make this happen given the delay in wave 2 of X-Wing (previously scheduled for December, now scheduled for February). At, least I hope they work hard to make it happen as I was able to preorder it for less than $20 on

So maybe February or March release date for this?

Out of curiosity have they thought about releasing packs with maps of say the various ships like that poster map they mentioned?

Might be worth pursuing if they want to make the most of their licence