Switzerland Netrunner Players

By Chronos, in Android: Netrunner Organized Play


I am looking for Netrunners in Switzerland.

I am also looking forward to organize tournaments on a regular basis!

If you are interested pls contact me!




Hallo liebe Netrunner,

Ich suche nach interessierten Spielern in der Schweiz.

Falls ihr Interesse habt meldet euch einfach bei mir!

Wenn wir genug Spieler finden, organisiere ich auch gerne regelmässige Tourniere!




Ich warte noch auf meine Vorbestellung und freue mich auf die ersten Spiele.

Laut dem Drachenäscht in Bern ist das Interesse hierzulande gross, da sollten genügend Leute für ein Tournier oder zwei zu finden sein werden.

Gruss aus Bern,



ich warte auch auf meine Bestellung, sollte in den nächsten Tagen eintrudeln ;)

Ich wohne zwar in Zürich, aber wenn ich weiss, dass es genug Leute in Bern gibt fahr ich auch gern rüber, ist ja nicht so weit ;)

Ansonsten würde ich auch in Zürich etwas auf die Beine stellen!



I may come for events to Bern too, if I know it enough time before.

Grues fo Lausanne


Si d'autres joueurs sont dans la ville, contactez-moi cool.gif

Grin, three people, three cities.

Luckily our country isn't that big…

We'll manage certainly somehow.

Talk to you later,

Sigh, just got a mail from my store (DracheNäscht in Bern): Demand seems to be so big that the first run of the game is already sold out. New copies will arrive in november or december…

Soooo, Netrunner has finally arrived in Berne. Of course now it's almost Christmas and I've got a kid… :-)

I'll try setting up something in january and announce it here.

Until then,

Bern +1

Versuche die Spielnacht auch einzurichten… :-)

I will be in Bern too ;) Looking fwd to see and play against new players!

How is the community in Bern so far? How many people are playing Netrunner?

Cheers and cu all tomorrow!

Looks like we will be at least 4 players. Don't miss it. :-)

Hello Guys

My name is Peter.

I’m intressted too in encountering corrupted corporations and defeating tricky runners…

I’m from Solothurn, that’s not far from Berne.

So if there is a occasion, let me know!

Regards Peter


Hallo Leute

Mein Name ist Peter.

Ich suche Leute die Netrunner spielen.

Ich komme von Solothurn, und wäre sofort bereit für eine Partie.

Gruss Peter

Hi guys, I don't own the game yet, but I am interested on it, the asymetrical structure calls me. I had played a lot A Game Of Thrones LCG 2 years ago, and I miss these kind of card games.

I live in Wettingen, so I could come some times to Bern if there is a bigger group there. Chronos I've seen that you live in Zurich, that would be a better option for me. Do you play in some local in Zurich? Can I join your group? (Spieleclub, shop or bar)

After watching the videos on BGG and youtube I couldn't resist anymore. I have bought two copies of the game, german version.

I hope that we can increase the number of players in switzerland.

Hi evil CEO's and nifty hackers,

We are looking for Netrunner Players in Switzerland as well. We are two players located in Basel , please feel free to contact us to join our regular netrunner session once a week. We are also willing to drive around to Berne or Zurich for tournaments and/or playing with other players!

You are very welcome to PM or write an email to "finstar_one(at)yahoo.de"

Take care,

Finstar Red

Hey guys,

I dont know If this thread is still active. But I just picked up the game aswell. Im from Zurich and Im in St.Gallen every now and then. So do you guys still organize stuff?


Hi there!

Yes, game-nights are definitely happening in Zürich and there is at least one upcoming official tournament in Bern.

There's a new website for netrunner-players in Switzerland with all the details: www.netrunner.ch

If you know of any events, please get in touch! (using the email address on the website, then it will be published there)


Vandy, Mark and me from the Zurich community are pleased to announce our very first netrunner fun tournament/ game day.

Date: Sat, 14th June 2014
Time: Meet at 10am, First game starts 10.30. Ends around 6pm
Where: A 'trotte' at Hagenbuchrain 8b, 8047 in Zürich
Registration: Send us an email at zh@netrunner.ch. No registration fee. We are covering the place rental fee.

Game format: Depending on number of turnups, most likely 4-5 Swiss rounds + free play afterwards. Each round will be 60 mins, taking turn playing both Runner and Corp side.
What to bring: decks, friends, food (we'll reserve at least 30 mins for lunch), drinks and more importantly good spirit.

For this very first event, our main aim is to get together and enjoy ourselves.Everyone's welcome and beginners are definitely encouraged! Let me know in advance if you or your friend dont have a deck but wanna give it a go, I could sort out introductory decks. If you are the more 'dedicated' players, well, the regional is coming soon this July, so this would be the perfect opportunity to testplay/finetune some deck ideas.

So join us. Hope to see many of you there!

Our 2nd netrunner fun tournament / game day in Zurich:

Date: Sun, September 7th 2014
Time: Meet at 10am, First game starts 10.30. Ends around 5pm
Where: A 'trotte' at Hagenbuchrain 8b, 8047 in Zürich
Registration: Send us an email at zh@netrunner.ch. No registration fee, but 5-10 CHF voluntarily are welcome (for covering the place rental fee).

Game format: 4 Swiss rounds + free play afterwards. Each round will be 60 mins, taking turn playing both Runner and Corp side.
What to bring: decks, friends, food (we'll reserve at least 30 mins for lunch), drinks and more importantly good spirit.

New player in Basel, somebody in my area running?