Guide To the Calixis Sector

By signoftheserpent, in Dark Heresy

Black Industries put out a pdf that was apparently free by this name. Where can I find a copy of this?

Dark Reign doesn't have it up for download?

I'm not sure of the veracity of the fluff in there - does it still count?


I believe the fluff still counts. There doesn't seem to be anything that contradicts FFG canon at first glance.

jabberwoky said:

The Calixis Sector Encyclopedia

There's also a encyclopedia an index of references for Calixian planets from (mostly) all references in FFG books (made by Adeptus-B): Encyclopedia Calixia

Hope this helps.

The first is great but incomplete (no Sinophia) while the second should be stickied or made as a pdf.

I'm surprised they chose to portion out setting into through adventure books (which I don't buy) and not as an actual supplement.

Does anyone remember how many of these planets were fleshed out via the competition that Black Industries ran back in the day?


So here's what I found.

Basically the Lexicanum as usual is a heap of lies and heresy.

There isn't a pdf called "The Guide to the Calixis Sector:

That's what Black Industries called the sector page they had on their site with all the fan created information on it before FFG got the license.

When that got taken over FFG didn't copy all the information (likely rites issues) just the planet list.

Some fans got together and copied all the relevant planet information (stuff about government and inquisition stuff made it word for word into the core rulebook) and made "The Calixis Sector Encyclopedia"

That's only missing the information on Tranch, which I found using the wayback machine for

tl;dr don't trust sources from Lexicanum. Ross Watson knows what he's talking about, and rpggeek has a really good summary of Dark Heresy 1st edition on it apparently.