The Nadya is a close assault unit as evidenced by its flamethrowers. It would seem to me that this unit could have benefited from the assault skill and airlift ability.
The Nastasia is essentially the SSU version of a Luther. This walker has a fairly good range of 6. Assault seems mostly wasted on this unit. The unit has a range of 6 so the Airlift ability is wasted on it.
The Natalya seems to be a Good Assault unit. Berserk is definitely a good skill for this unit. It would seem to me that this unit could benefit from the Air lift ability as it would allow the unit to close with the enemy faster. But of coarse this skill was not given to this unit.
The Natasha seems to be a little short on fire power. The All in one ability will give it a chance against another medium walker, but only once.
The Nikita is the most botched of all SSU units. Assault and airlift are completely wasted on this unit. It can't inflict as much damage as the Lothar but costs 4 more points??? The Assault and air lift ability need to be dropped from this unit and the points adjusted to say 34.
The Nina is the only SSU walker given the Air skill that it actually makes sense for it to have it. But of coarse you buy another walker for the price of the transport.
Personally I think the whole transport walker are a waste anyway.
I think if the player spends the points on a transport chopper they should be allowed to transport any armor 4 or 5 walker they choose. The idea that the walker needs to have and pay points for the skill is stupid.
I know I am far from the only person to express these views. The real is will Dust fix these problems or continue to handicap SSU walkers like the Nikita and Nastasia.