World building/race making for new game, need help!

By Adrassil, in Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG

Hey everyone!

Just started to make my own anima campaign, we've been playing it for a while and I think we've got a hold of the system (except for magic the setting we've played has for the most part been low fantasy aka: Game of Thrones) I'm making my own world for this one, one which I've been working on developing for a while now. A good way to describe it would be, uhh the typical fantasy tropes, elves, dwarves, orcs so on in a 1940's technological level.

It's a very dark setting, here's a link on how the magic works in the world: javascript:void(0);/*1347935105513*/

The game is almost going to entirely be for world building, me and my mate are going to make a computer game in it and we've done a crap ton of work but playing a P&P RPG will allow me to give it more detail. We maybe using the anima rules but making our own for the computer game. I'm going to make a blog for it over at obsidian portal.

I've been making races for the world (not going to bother with classes) and started with the uhh mainish race (The race which will be the most prolific in the fictions and such) The Hunters, think of a mix of the Claymores from uhh Claymore and the Witchers well, from the Witcher. They work for the Vampires who mostly are the "good guys" in the setting. There are evil Vampires.

Hunters are magically enhanced, and must survive through a ritual for their creation which will kill more than it doesn't, they are faster, stronger and tougher than normal people. But need to have the gift of magic to go through the ritual.

They're viable for change so if they're a bit broken feel free to tell me.

Hunter Race. (Requires buying “the Gift”)

A Hunter has a starting Gnosis of 25
Grants “Extended Perception” they are able to “feel” Altercations to the radiations/reality of their surroundings and can discern if supernatural abilites are being used (and to what extent) around them. This is a secondary skill, of MK+search/notice (this may change) then dividing the result by half (rounding up)

Their origin is Natural/Super natural.

Natural abilities

Fatigue resistance (grants the Hunter 2 extra fatigue points)

Accute Senses (+30 to any perception-based secondary tests)

Increased Attributes (Add +1 to every stat)

Increased Reactions (+20 to natural intiative)

Increased Physical resistance (+10)

Increased Mystical/Psychic resistance (+10)

Regeneration (+2)

Mystically Undetectable (+50 to resistance checks against anything detecting whether it be magical, psychic or Ki)

Night vision (allows the reduction of sight tests in natural darkness to be reduced by half)

See Magic

See Matrices

Aren't allowed following disdvantages (Sickly, suseptible to poisons, or suspetible to magic)

Forever young (If Hunters survive the ritual they never age, they stay at their peek for hundreds, perhaps even thousands of years. Though this is unknown as neither Vampires nor Hunters have been around for that long. But can still die in battle or by other natural causes, EG: suffocation, poisons, etc.)

Aura reduction (Hunters can reduce their magical aura to the eqivolent of a normal un-gifted person (everyone has a magical aura or a radiation aura even those ungifted in magic) This allows them to go undetected by the Priests of the church or Jaroai or even other hunters. There is no need to roll to do this but it takes an active action to lower and the Hunter cannot use any magical or psychic abilites when they are in the midst of lowering their aura (only Weapon cloak) It also takes an active action to raise their aura back to higher levels) This doesn't enhance their ability to hide from magical detection just to hide how much magic they have to detect.

Weapon cloak (All Hunters have an ability to “cloak” their weapons that they carry from plain sight, until they so choose to draw/use said weapon (weapon must be sheathed/holstered/slung for it to work) This requires no test but it takes an active action per weapon to cloak them. It takes a absurd (180) for a magic user to detect the cloaked weapon(s) (one test per weapon cloaked)

Note: Hunters can only recruited from races with a natural magical ability this is only Humans, Elves, Dwarves and Orcs.

Level modifier: 2


I'd say that Hunters are worth no less than +3Level Modifier, confronting them with Duk'Zarist.

@ Elric of Melniboné

Yeah I was thinking perhaps that they were a bit strong for +2, the +1 to every stat would push it? They also don't have the huge weakness of a Duk'Zarist. Hmm. The thing in fluff that balances it is the ritual but that wont work so well in an RPG as they are already assumed to have survived the ritual.

Also put these down for the other races, elves, dwarves, and orcs they get a minus to exp for choosing one of these races, not sure how I can qualify this in the fluff but yeah. I was at first going to do level modifier for them like the Hunter but the upgrades they get I don't think are worth it and would make no one want to play a elf Hunter or Dwarf Hunter. So I took a bit out of the Nephilim.

Also, any advice for placing guns into the Anima system? Anyone done that yet?

Has a Gnosis of 15
Accute senses: Sight and hearing +30 to secondary perception tests that have to do with those senses. (doesn't stack if Hunter)
Increased Attributes: +1 to Dex, Agi and Int. (doesn't stack if Hunter)
Unnatural Size: -1 to size. (Kept if Hunter)
Increased Reaction: +10 to intiative (doesn't stack with the Hunter's intiative bonus)
Increased mystical/psychic resistance: +20 (does stack with Hunter ability)
Night vision (stacks with Hunter night vision to become full night vision)
Limited needs: down to 1/3 of the normal human sustenance, (also included if elf is a Hunter)
Magical aptitude: Creation Magic (carries over if Hunter)
Superior Magical Recovery (stays if Hunter)
-2 penalty to exp per session.

Has a Gnosis of 5 on average.
Increased Attributes: +2 to str, +1 to con (doesn't work over to Hunters)
Unnatural size: -2 to size. (kept if Hunter)
Physical resistance: +20 to physical resistance, +10 to poison and disease resistance. (stacks with Hunter resistances.)
Movement -1 (due to shorter limbs)
Heightened senses: gains +20 to all senses when underground, this stacks with the Hunter abilties.
Complete night vision
-1 penalty to exp

Has a Gnosis of 5
Increased: +2 to str, +2 to con -1 to int (doesn't stack with Hunter bonus)
Unnatural size +2
Physical resistance: +20 disease resistance +10 to poison and physical resistance (stacks with Hunter resistances)
Natural armour +1 to natural AT. (does not stack with other layers of armour) Keep if Hunter.
Due to being big and bulky they get a -10 to Intitiative tests (If a Hunter the Orc is at +10 instead of +20)
Regeneration +2 (doesn't stack with Hunter regeneration)
Suseptible to magic -5 to magical and psychic resistances.
-1 to exp per session.

Done more work on the races, as per Elric's advice I made the Hunter 3 level modifier and increased the experience minuses of Elf, Dwarf and Orc races. Also done some on the Vampire and Priest of Jaroai. I'm thinking that I might make the exp modifier lower if a player wishes to be a Orc, elf or Dwarf Hunter


Acute senses: Sight and hearing +20 to secondary perception tests that have to do with those senses. (doesn't stack if Hunter)
Increased Attributes: +1 to Dex, Agi and Int. (doesn't stack if Hunter/vampire)
Unnatural Size: -1 to size. (Kept if Hunter/vampire)
Increased Reaction: +10 to initiative (doesn't stack with the Hunter's initiative bonus)
Increased mystical/psychic resistance: +20 (does stack with Hunter ability)
Night vision (stacks with Hunter night vision to become full night vision)
Limited needs: down to 1/3 of the normal human sustenance, (also included if elf is a Hunter)
Magical aptitude: Creation Magic (carries over if Hunter)
Superior Magical Recovery (stays if Hunter)
-3 penalty to exp per session.


Increased Attributes: +2 to str, +1 to con (doesn't work over to Hunters)
Unnatural size: -2 to size. (kept if Hunter)
Physical resistance: +20 to physical resistance, +10 to poison and disease resistance. (stacks with Hunter resistances.)
Movement -1 (due to shorter limbs)
Heightened senses: gains +20 to all senses when underground, this stacks with the Hunter abilties.
Complete night vision
-2 penalty to exp


Increased: +2 to str, +2 to con -1 to int and -2 to appearance Can’t go below 1 though(doesn't stack with Hunter bonus, except appearance)
Unnatural size +2
Physical resistance: +20 disease resistance +10 to poison and physical resistance (stacks with Hunter resistances)
Natural armour +1 to natural AT. (does not stack with other layers of armour) Keep if Hunter.
Due to being big and bulky they get a -10 to Initiative tests (If a Hunter the Orc is at +10 instead of +20)
Regeneration +2 (doesn't stack with Hunter regeneration)
Susceptible to magic -5 to magical and psychic resistances.
-2 to exp per session.

Hunter Race (Requires buying “the Gift” which in this is only 1 CP but need to buy/make a stone for every spell they wish to cast EG: if they wish to cast a light spell they need to buy or make a stone that allows them to use it, which takes a week to make for a wizard with experience in that path if they don't it can take two weeks, three for an opposing magic type also makes it they can only use two stones at a time as they have to hold them to use them)
Grants “Extended Perception” they are able to “feel” Altercations to the radiations/reality of their surroundings and can discern if supernatural abilities are being used (and to what extent) around them. This is a secondary skill, of Base Zeon+notice skill then dividing the result by half (rounding up)
Their origin is Natural/Super natural.
Natural abilities
Fatigue resistance (grants the Hunter 2 extra fatigue points)
Accute Senses (+30 to any perception-based secondary tests)
Increased Attributes (Add +1 to every stat)
Increased Reactions (+20 to natural initiative)
Increased Physical resistances (+10)
Increased Mystical/Psychic resistance (+10)
Regeneration (+2)
Mystically Undetectable (+50 to resistance checks against anything detecting whether it be magical, psychic or Ki)
Night vision (allows the reduction of sight tests in natural darkness to be reduced by half)
See Matrices
Aren't allowed following disadvantages (Sickly, susceptible to poisons, or susceptible to magic)
Forever young (If Hunters survive the ritual they never age, they stay at their peak for hundreds, perhaps even thousands of years. Though this is unknown as neither Vampires nor Hunters have been around for that long. But can still die in battle or by other natural causes, EG: suffocation, poisons, etc.)
Aura reduction (Hunters can reduce their magical aura to the equivalent of a normal un-gifted person (everyone has a magical aura or a radiation aura even those ungifted in magic) This allows them to go undetected by the Priests of the church or Jaroai or even other hunters. There is no need to roll to do this but it takes an active action to lower and the Hunter cannot use any magical or psychic abilities when they are in the midst of lowering their aura (only Weapon cloak) It also takes an active action to raise their aura back to higher levels) This doesn't enhance their ability to hide from magical detection just to hide how much magic they have to detect.
Weapon cloak (All Hunters have an ability to “cloak” their weapons that they carry from plain sight, until they so choose to draw/use said weapon (weapon must be sheathed/holstered/slung for it to work) This requires no test but it takes an active action per weapon to cloak them. It takes a absurd (180) for a magic user to detect the cloaked weapon(s) (one test per weapon cloaked)
Note: Hunters can only recruited from races with a natural magical ability this is only Humans, Elves, Dwarves and Orcs.
Level modifier: 3

Priest of Jaroai

Priest of Jaroai can only be human (also needs to buy the gift)
Grants “Extended Perception” they are able to “feel” Altercations to the radiations/reality of their surroundings and can discern if supernatural abilities are being used (and to what extent) around them. This is a secondary skill, of Base Zeon+Notice then dividing the result by half (rounding up)
Their origin is Natural/Super natural.
See matrices
Natural affinity for light magic.
Note: has huge advantages in RP in human countries, opens a lot of doors due to their influence and respect of the populace
-2 to exp

Vampire (if Vampire wishes to be magical they have to be an original Vampire who have to be around 500 but can be in hibernation for that time and cost 2 CP unlike the others, Original Vampires also must be put through the ritual every fifty years or else they degenerate and die over a period of a few hours, if an original Vampire goes into hibernation, they do not need to go through the ritual for as half as long as they have hibernated. Sired Vampires CANNOT use magic or psychic powers, but can use Ki abilities. all original races can be turned into a Vampire)
Grants “Extended Perception” they are able to “feel” Altercations to the radiations/reality of their surroundings and can discern if supernatural abilities are being used (and to what extent) around them. This is a secondary skill, Base Zeon+notice divided by half (rounding up)
Their origin is Natural/Super natural.
Complete natural Immunity to cold. (They can still be frozen solid but don’t take any damage by it)
Increased Attributes: Str+ 3 Con+3 (doesn’t stack with orginal race bonus)
Does not breath
Immune to natural diseases/poisons
Physical need: blood
Addiction: blood
Complete dark vision
Lack of sense: touch and taste.
Enhanced senses: +30 to sight, hearing and smell involved secondary perception tests.
Original Vampires get the same magical reduction power as the Hunter.
Regeneration: 3 (only if in darkness)
Vulnerable to sunlight (almost instantaneous death from it) and fire (Vampire have to pass a resistance or else be dealt double damage)
Original Vampires have a natural affinity for dark magic and can’t learn light magic.
Cannot take the disadvantage of: Vulnerable to cold, vulnerable to pain, susceptible to poisons, exhausted.
Vampires can only die by decapitation, sunlight or being stabbed through the heart
(Vampires aren’t actually allergic to Garlic, aren’t scared of crosses and they do cast a reflection, these “myths” have been placed into the populace by the Vampires to make infiltration easier)
Level Modifier: 2 for sired Vampire 3 for original vampire (plus must buy the gift for 2CP and use stones if they want to use it)

I built goblyns if you want a low level bad guy

vaxx01 said:

I built goblyns if you want a low level bad guy

Yeah, that would actually be really good I do have Goblins in my world so that would save me some time, much appreciated, thanks! happy.gif

Werewolf (Only Humans can become Werewolves)

Out of Werewolf form the character is mostly for all intents and purposes a normal human, although they maintain the half damage negation of weapons that aren’t silver and the double damage of silver weapons)
When in Werewolf form
They gain a temporary attribute boost to +3 to str, con, +1 to agi and-3 to intelligence and Willpower.
Gain immunity to natural diseases and poisons
Gain Immunity to fatigue.
Gain inhumanity
Cannot use any kind of weapon.
Cannot use any Ki abilities
Gain Natural weapons (cut) Base damage : 60. Base initiative: 10
Become size: “big”
If the character was a spellcaster they cannot use any type of magic in werewolf form.
Gain acute sense +20 in taste, smell and hearing based secondary perception tests.
They lose any innate class bonuses they gain both in primary and secondary skills
(EG a level 1 shadow that has an attack of 95 is instead attack 90 when a werewolf, loss in WP doesn’t effect this roll)
Involuntary transformation: Every full moon a Werewolf will change involuntarily they can resist this change with a 120 Composure test or a 12 on a WP roll, if they fail the change they must pass a 10 WP or 100 composure or else lose complete control of their minds and go on a rampage.
It takes a total of four rounds to transform into a Werewolf (twelve seconds)
Werewolf is a 3 level modifier

i wouldnt make it more than a 2 level modifier, after counting DP-wise you almost hit the 200 margin considering the penalties you gave.

Attributes: +3 is 60 x2 for 120, +1 is 20 x2 is 40, total 160. the -3 i'd give back half DP so 30 x2 is 60 total 100. 100 DP in attributes

as for the abilities and such just a quick calculation and you barely hit 70 DP.

inhumanity 10 dp, Tireless 20 dp, immunity poison and disease 30 dp, natural weapon 20 dp, unnatural size 10 dp, acute senses10 dp total 100

half damage normal weapons, double damage silver weapons pretty much counts itself equal

can't use weapons, i'd make that a 10 dp penalty, can't use ki i'd count as a 20 point penalty. not sure how i'd count a forced transformation but there's a way to resist. so i'll count it as payed. Losing innates is a 1 cp disadvantage but yours is even harsher since it includes class boni as far as i can see so that's easily a 20 point penalty. so that's a 50 point penalty, bringing us to a grand total of 150 DP template. not exactly 2 levels worth.

Hmm can't edit my old post, will repost it then, so 2 points? Now you put it like that Raybras. 3 sounds certainly waaaay to harsh indeed I'll make it 2, thank you. I've also been working on making guns into Anima, consulting my friend who's been GMing another game I've been playing. I'll post the rules I've got for it thus far, later. thanks Raybras, hopefully this will encourage someone in my game to play a werewolf, that'd be badass.

Werewolf (Only Humans can become Werewolves)

Out of Werewolf form the character is mostly for all intents and purposes a normal human, although they maintain the half damage negation of weapons that aren’t silver and the double damage of silver weapons)
When in Werewolf form
They gain a temporary attribute boost to +3 to str, +3 to con, +1 to agi and-3 to intelligence and Willpower.
Gain immunity to natural diseases and poisons
Gain Immunity to fatigue.
Gain inhumanity
Cannot use any kind of weapon.
Cannot use any Ki abilities
Gain Natural weapons (cut) Base damage : 60. Base initiative: 10
Become size: “big”
If the character was a spellcaster they cannot use any type of magic in werewolf form.
Gain acute sense +20 in taste, smell and hearing based secondary perception tests.
They lose any innate class bonuses they gain both in primary and secondary skills
(EG a level 1 shadow that has an attack of 95 is instead attack 90 when a werewolf, loss in WP doesn’t effect this roll)
Involuntary transformation: Every full moon a Werewolf will change involuntarily they can resist this change with a 120 Composure test or a 12 on a WP roll, if they fail the change they must pass a 10 WP or 100 composure or else lose complete control of their minds and go on a rampage.
It takes a total of four rounds to transform into a Werewolf (twelve seconds)
Werewolf is a 2 level modifier

here be goblyns,

Name: Goblyn
Type: Natural
Gnosis: 10
Size: Medium
Class: Shadow
Level: 2

Strength: 5(5)
Dexterity: 10(15)
Agility: 8(8)
Constitution: 10(15)
Intelligence: 3(3)
Power: 4(4)
Willpower: 5(5)
Per: 5(5)
Total DP: 60

Primary Abilities:
Combat Abilities: (Limit: 60% 700 = 420 DP)
- (2/1) Attack: 80 = 160 DP
- (3/1) Block: = DP
- (2/1) Dodge: 80 = 160 DP
- (2/1) Wear Armor: = DP
- (2/1) KI: = DP
- (20/1) Accumulation Multiple = DP
- Martial Arts:
- Weapon Modules:
- Magic Modules:
Total DP: 340

Supernatural Abilities: (Limit: 50%700 = 350 DP)
- (/) Zeon: = DP
- (/) MA Multiple: = DP
- (/) Magic Projection: = DP
- (/) Magic Level:
- (/) Summon: = DP
- (/) Control: = DP
- (/) Bind: = DP
- (/) Banish: = DP
Total DP:

Psychic Abilities: (Limit: 50% = 350 DP)
- (/) Psychic Points:
Psychic Potential:
Free Psychic Points:
- (/) Psychic Projection: = DP
Total DP:

Secondary Abilities:
- (2/1) Athletic:
- (2/1) Vigor:
Feats of Strength:
Withstand Pain:
- (2/1) Perception:
Notice: 50
Search: 50
- (3/1) Intellectual:
Herbal Lore:
Magic Appraisal:
- (2/1) Social:
- (2/1) Subterfuge:
Hide: 50
Lock Picking:
Trap Lore:
Stealth: 50
- (2/1) Creative:
Sleight of Hand:
Total DP: 240

Total MK: 50
Ki Abilities:
= MK spend in Ki Abilities
Total MK Spent:

Natural Bonuses:
(+ 5 Attack per Level)
(+ 5 Dodge per Level)
Natural Abilities:
(+ 10 to Notice per Level)
(+ 10 to Search per Level)
(+ 10 to Hide per Level)
(+ 10 to Stealth per Level)
Total DP:

Special Bonuses:
Racial Terror + 20 DP
Vulnerable to a Type of Attack + 20 (Light/ and Light based attacks)
Fatigue Resistance - 10 DP
Acute Sense - 10 DP
Natural Weapons Claws - 20 DP (Claws)
Natural Weapons Claws - 20 DP (Bite)
Additional Attack with – 50 to its final attack (Claw) – 30 DP
Additional Attack with – 60 to its final attack (Bite) – 20 DP
+ 20 to Base Damage (Claws) – 20 DP
+ 30 to Base Damage (Bite) – 30 DP

[Final Values]
LP: 145 (Base 135, 10 from Class)
Regeneration: 2
MV: 8
Fatigue Points: 12
Presence: 35
PhR: 50 | DiR: 50 | VR: 50 | MR: 30 | PsR: 35
Ki Pool: str:, dex:, Agl:, Con: , int: , pwr: , wlpwr:

Attack: 105 (90w/o Char Mod)
Block: (w/o Char Mod)
Dodge: 105 (90w/o Char Mod)
Initiative: 90

Claw +105 Base Damage 50
Claw +55 Base Damage 50
Bite +45 Base Damage 60


When Goblyn achieve 375 exp (0r Level 4) the become a hobgoblin


Name: Goblyn Shamen
Type: Natural
Gnosis: 10
Size: Medium
Class: Summoner
Level: 4

Strength: 5(5)
Dexterity: 10(15)
Agility: 8(8)
Constitution: 10(15)
Intelligence: 10(15)
Power: 8(8)
Willpower: 10(15)
Per: 5(5)
Total DP: 86 Primary Abilities:

Combat Abilities: (Limit: 50% 900 = 450 DP)
- (3/1) Attack: = DP
- (3/1) Block: = DP
- (2/1) Dodge: 50 = 100 DP
- (2/1) Wear Armor: = DP
- (3/1) KI: = DP
- (30/1) Accumulation Multiple = DP
- Martial Arts:
- Weapon Modules:
- Magic Modules:
Total DP:100

Supernatural Abilities: (Limit: 60%700 = 540 DP)
- (1/5) Zeon: 950 = (450 + 500 = 100 DP)
- (60/10) MA Multiple: 50 = 240 DP
- (3/1) Magic Projection: = DP
- (1/1) Summon: 90 = (50 from class 40 from 90 DP)
- (1/1) Control: 90 = (50 from class 40 from 90 DP)
- (1/1) Bind: 90 = (50 from class 40 from 90 DP)
- (1/1) Banish: 90 = (50 from class 40 from 90 DP)

Total DP: 440

Psychic Abilities: (Limit: 50% = 450 DP)
- (/) Psychic Points:
Psychic Potential:
Free Psychic Points:
- (/) Psychic Projection: = DP
Total DP:

Secondary Abilities:
- (2/1) Athletic:
- (3/1) Vigor:
Feats of Strength:
Withstand Pain:
- (2/1) Perception:
Notice: 10
- (2/1) Intellectual:
Herbal Lore:
Magic Appraisal: 55
Occult: 60
- (2/1) Social:
- (2/1) Subterfuge:
Hide: 10
Lock Picking:
Trap Lore:
Stealth: 10
- (2/1) Creative:
Sleight of Hand:
Total DP: 100

Total MK: 90
Ki Abilities:
Use of KI 40
= MK spend in Ki Abilities
Total MK Spent:

Natural Bonuses:
Natural Abilities:
Total DP:

Special Bonuses:
Racial Terror + 20 DP
Vulnerable to a Type of Attack + 20 (Light/ and Light based attacks)
Fatigue Resistance - 10 DP
Natural Weapons Claws - 20 DP (Claws)
Natural Weapons Claws - 20 DP (Bite)
+ 20 to Base Damage (Claws) – 20 DP
+ 20 to Base Damage (Bite) – 20 DP
The Gift - 20 DP
Superior Magic Recovery - 30 DP
Natural Knowledge of a Path 20 (Darkness) – 10 DP
Defined Magic Projection (4 spheres) 20 ML
Exploitation of Natural Energy (2 spheres) 10ML
Advanced Zeon Regeneration (1 sphere) 5 ML
Combined Magic (1 sphere) 5 ML
Persistent Effects (1 sphere) 5 ML
Total Cost: 100 DP

[Final Values]
LP: 145 (Base 135, 10 from Class)
Regeneration: 2
MV: 8
Fatigue Points: 12
Presence: 35
PhR: 50 | DiR: 50 | VR: 50 | MR: 30 | PsR: 35
Ki Pool: str:, dex:, Agl:, Con: , int: , pwr: , wlpwr:

Attack: 110 (95w/o Char Mod)
Block: (w/o Char Mod)
Dodge: 110 (95w/o Char Mod)
Initiative: 90

Claw +110 Base Damage 50
Claw +60 Base Damage 50
Bite + 50 Base Damage 60


When Goblyn achieve 375 exp (0r Level 4) the become a hobgoblyn

this was done befor I got a hold of the core exxet changes, so if you want them by those rules let me know