
By drowranger80, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beta

Has anyone come up with a good way to track movement? i ran my group thru half of the adventure, and had trouble remembering who had moved and where.

Also, is movement always from the players perspective? ie, if they moved from close to medium range one turn, the next turn its still close to long? and does that mean you can never move from close to long in one turn because its 2 maneuvers to move to long from medium?

This is why I like to use maps and miniatures. gran_risa.gif

Yeah, you can easily use very generic… non grid oriented miniature use.

Another answer is kind of old school and what I used to do… piece of paper with X's or numbers… or Character Initials… Used to just draw our a rough idea of things for them to see.

Yea rough sketch will do. Or note cards. Like zones in FATE if your familiar with it. Or borrowing from war hammer you can track distance with tokens of some sort between characters. 4 maneuvers away and so on.

In warhammer tracking range became a real bugbear, I had seven players and using tokens would get confusing in big fights, but should be ok for smaller groups.

I'm creating a peg board that uses coloured beads, each enemy or group of enemies is designated a colour and a relative position, forward or rear, and the player tracks range by simply moving the pegs to the right range catagory on the board.

As a side note, in warhammer to keep book keeping down to a minimum for myself I tracked hitpoints on my villians/monsters with poker chips, each enemy figure would stand on top of a stack, and as hit points were removed so were chips, this does mean that players get to see how many HP the villian has, but the pay off was very fast fluid combats.