Shadow Wolf Deck, Question regarding Meera and Ser Jorah Mormont

By Mykel The Vile, in 4. AGoT Deck Construction

If you type in "Shadow Wolf Deck" on google, a page comes up from Carddb relating to a deck that placed 3rd in melbourne 2012 Joust Comp.

What I wanted to know was the reasoning of why he played 3 x meera Reed (TftH) as opposed to x 1. ( Thinking it maybe just to pull her out quicker )

And the advantages of playing Ser Jorah Mormont



Mykel The Vile said:

What I wanted to know was the reasoning of why he played 3 x meera Reed (TftH) as opposed to x 1. ( Thinking it maybe just to pull her out quicker )

Mykel The Vile said:

And the advantages of playing Ser Jorah Mormont

Thanks Ktom, I should of writ what the advantages of Mormont over playing a character like Damon Dance for Me, for instance.

Well, personal choice is always a factor.

However, I'd say specifically for Damon (and this assumes Damon was available when the deck was built/played)

  1. Jorah at 2 makes for better setup than Damon at 3
  2. Jorah is always a tricon with Stealth; no conditions
  3. Was the deck running an agenda so that Damon would lose his renown?
  4. What was the player thinking the agenda situation would be like at the event, so that Damon might not have gotten his deadly and stealth with any reliability?
  5. Was the Knight trait of more use than the House Bolton?

Yes Ktom, At first it didnt seem a good idea to me when I first stumbled on the said deck last night but Jorah is becoming more appealing to be honest, and. I think Im going to have to dip into the old pockets and grab these chapter packs.

The deck looks quality.

What Houses do you play Ktom ?
