Seattle tournament, Sunday Oct 14 2012

By prune, in Android: Netrunner Organized Play

Android : Netrunner Tournament - "Moving Upwards"

When : registration at 11am, event noon - 7pm, Sunday October 14

Where : The Commons (food court area) at 3rd Place Books,
17171 Bothell Way NE, Lake Forest Park WA
(intersection of Bothell Way and Hwy 104 aka Ballinger Way)
(Sound Transit bus route 522 stops across the street)

No entry fee

Prizes will include, at a mimimum, one pack of the first
expansion (when released), What Lies Ahead *

Please bring : Runner deck, Corp deck (must be legal decks under
the Android Netrunner rules, no cards from the original
WotC edition, no proxies; card sleeves are ok), deck list,
counters/tokens etc, pen

Questions, RSVP , tournament organizer :
Jeremy York, [email protected]

Format : Swiss pairings for ~4 rounds with a final, details will
depend on attendance. Official FFG Netrunner tournament rules,
although we will use 75 minute rounds.

Additional judges would be helpful, contact Jeremy if interested.
The TO will play, or withdraw, as needed to avoid an odd
number of competitors; secondary judges resolve any disputes
that arise in the TO's games.

If fewer than 8 people, no tournament and we will enjoy some casual
games instead.

*Prizes provided by Prunesquallor's web store,
(a mom 'n' pop online retailer operated by the TO). Please
support your friendly local game store first though!

I will probably be trying to show up for this.

Just a reminder of this upcoming free tournament.

If you are attending, it would be helpful if you could fill out this Very Brief RSVP form through Google Docs. Registering at this link is optional, it just helps me know what to expect for attendance.

No Sideboards. Standard deck construction rules apply. All the latest FAQ rulings in effect. Casual play if under 8 players. Deck lists may be required, save yourself some hassle and bring them with you. No cost, call before midnight tonight. It filets it chops it dices slices, never stops, lasts a lifetime, mows your lawn, step right up, step right up.