what's their story

By Cat that Walked by Himself, in Rogue Trader

Ok, just for the fun of it. And it seems somehow to belong to Rogue Trader forum...

For some reason this image has stuck in my mind since I first saw it back in the days (old Rogue Trader).

What are these guys doing together? An eldar, a stout, two 'beakies', two guardsmen, some guys in power armors (could be more SM, Rogue Trader or whatever) and some guy with a tube going up his huge bold head... They are looking at some sort of a 3D holo projection map and are obviously plotting together...

So who are those guys? What are they doing? I would love to write a scenario based round these guys...

Don't see any image there but if I recall correctly, it's a Rogue Trader and associates planning something and the "beaky" ones are old pattern power-armour suits, quite possibly actual "Space Marines" given the kind of power an RT has and the original vision of Rogue Trader (small scale skirmishes).

This feels like a good caption competition.

"I rolled a six. Hand over Prussia."

"Look at that one, have you seen the size of her... oh, hello Brother Theo..."