A Decided Lack of Thrown Weapons

By EldritchFire, in General Discussion

Currently the only thrown weapon is the net/bola. As I was reading through the talent trees today, I had an idea for a ninja-like character using the Bounty Hunter's Assassin & Gadgeteer specs along with the Hired Gun's Merc Soldier spec. However, there are no thrown weapons to hurl at my enemies!

Personally, I'd just take the combat knife melee weapon, change the skill to ranged (light) and increase the cost to 50. Don't give it limited ammo, so it's a bunch of thrown knives instead of one. I'm just babbling at this point, so I'll just ask FFG to give us some thrown weapons, since there is support for them in the talent trees!


I'd just give it limited ammo 1, perhaps with a note that the item isn't actually removed/discarded after use, unless the GM rolls the usual threats/despair for an out of ammo result.

That way you can buy as many as you need and if you have the quick draw talent you can do the whole ninja thing. Otherwise you need to spend the maneuver drawing before each throw.

I was thinking that if there were no inherent ammo limit, we could use tinkerer or jury rig talents to improve the lot of thrown weapons, akin to how a blaster can be beefed up. Otherwise it'd be pretty expensive, talent-wise, to upgrade even a handful of thrown weapons.


EldritchFire said:

I was thinking that if there were no inherent ammo limit, we could use tinkerer or jury rig talents to improve the lot of thrown weapons

Yeah, fair enough, I can see where you're going there. However I think the Bolas/Net sets a pretty clear precedent for thrown weapons, and really a knife thrower should be in the same boat as a net thrower… at least that's how I'd rule it at my table but you are, of course, free to rule how you like at yours!


gribble said:

and really a knife thrower should be in the same boat as a net thrower…

However, the net thrower will probably catch more fish ….. gui%C3%B1o.gif