My thread about Autocannons as a Favored Heavy Weapon had me looking at that entire system, looking for fun choices. I was surprised to find Boltguns and Hellguns as viable choices. Then I realized that Storm Trooper Carapace Armour is only Very Rare, and therefore could be added to a Standard Kit…
Well, I'm starting to wonder if it's better that I'm always the GM and not a player. These two work best with folks playing as Weapon Specialists and Heavy Gunners.
The additional Bolter for Sororitas is for anyone not playing a Weapon Specialist, Heavy Gunner, or Priest.
Storm Trooper regiment
Schola Progenium (3)
Bilious (2)
Line Infantry (2)
Sharpshooters (4)
Total points spent: 11
Favored Basic: Hot-shot Lasgun
Favored Heavy: Heavy Bolter
Standard Kit:
Carapace Armor (20)
Micro-bead (8)
Recaf (2)
Sororitas regiment
Schola Progenium (3)
Supine (1)
Line Infantry (2)
Favored Foe (3) (FL: Heresy, Hatred: Mutants)
Well-Provisioned (3)
Total Points spent: 12
Favored Basic: Bolter
Favored Heavy: Heavy Flamer
Standard Kit:
Carapace Armor (20)
One Favored Basic Weapon per Squad (Bolter) (10)