So i did a game with luke, upgraded by r2, and marksmanship, also had biggs so all in all around 60 points, enemy had vader with squad leader and some missiles, as well as mauler mithel with determination.
Luke and r2 combo r amazing for evading and taking hits then regenerating his shields, biggs makes for good fodder when u keep him close to luke and can get some decent shots off before he dies. Now granted i was against two good pilots and not an overwhelming tie fighter force, but still while biggs died first, luke was still able to hunt vader and then mauler down and still end the game with no damage and full shields.
Pretty powerful combo as im sure it was intended to be , plus it did feel allot like the dog fight in the death star trenches, biggs being murdered by vader, and while luke wasnt shooting at an exhaust port the size of a womp rat, he in this infinities version of the battle exacted his revenge by destroying all in his target range.