I think I'm going to alter the Seneschal a bit…

By HappyDaze, in Rogue Trader House Rules

I've looked over the Seneschal and, while I like most of the Career Path, thee is one thing that bugs me. The Willpower advances are very expensive despite the fact that this career seems as though it goes well with a strong will. OTOH, it has the moderate advancement rate for Weapon Skill despite having nothing in the career that seems at all related (beyond the obligatory Weapon Training Talents at fairly late ranks compared to almost all other careers). The solution to my problems seems obvious - I intend to switch the Weapon Skill and Willpower advancement costs for the Seneschal career.

Weapon Skill advances will now cost 500/750/1,000/2,500.

Willpower advances will now cost 250/500/750/1,000.

This seems as though it will be a beneficial change for most (but certainly not all) Seneschal characters. Does anyone foresee any significant adverse effect that this change may cause?

In our campaign we let a character swap any one advancement scheme for another to allow for snowflake characters. We think it's worked out well. You might want to give it a try.

I came up with the idea while looking at my void-mistress' advances, and wanting to make a quick-witted, tech-savy, shipwright. So she swapped willpower advances for Intelligence advances. Gaining access to tech-use and shipwright early on means she can build, maintain, and fly all those slick little fighters.

But But James Bond!…

In a game in the past (Dark heresy game) I played a tech priest and I pumped will to high levels and the truth is it wasn't that useful.

It's not significant but I'd say it makes the class a little worse in that players usually like being able to shoot stuff because missing isn't very fun and this game is very combat centric. If you are going to do it you should probably allow them to buy armor of contempt or jaded to go with that theme.(if they can't already)

More importantly Seneschal's only have 8 sound constitutions. Astropaths have 10, Everyone else has 12. Except Explorators and Void masters who have 14.

If your modifying the Seneschal I'd personally advocate pumping up the sound constitutions to at least match the astropaths.

Cultadium said:

But But James Bond!…

In a game in the past (Dark heresy game) I played a tech priest and I pumped will to high levels and the truth is it wasn't that useful.

It's not significant but I'd say it makes the class a little worse in that players usually like being able to shoot stuff because missing isn't very fun and this game is very combat centric. If you are going to do it you should probably allow them to buy armor of contempt or jaded to go with that theme.(if they can't already)

More importantly Seneschal's only have 8 sound constitutions. Astropaths have 10, Everyone else has 12. Except Explorators and Void masters who have 14.

If your modifying the Seneschal I'd personally advocate pumping up the sound constitutions to at least match the astropaths.

I'm not altering the ability of the Senseschal to shoot stuff at all. I'm adjusting the cost of Weapon Skill - used for melee combat, something the Seneschal has absolutely no Talents for excepting Weapon Training (and that comes fairly late). He'll still be shooting stuff (and using pistols in melee) just fine. Willpower however, is going to be useful for resisting interactions taken against the Seneschal (we don't give PCs any special immunity to interaction skills) - which is likely to happen all the time.

HappyDaze said: "I'm not altering the ability of the Senseschal to shoot stuff at all. I'm adjusting the cost of Weapon Skill."

I feel stupid now.