Our Multiplayer Campaign Operation Seesturm

By Moe-them-down, in Dust Tactics General Discussion

Hey Dust fans out there everywhere on the planet!

I played Warhammer Fb + Warhammer 40k for more than 15 years, but when I got a hold of Dust Tactics, a while ago, there was no holding me.

DT games are fast, thrilling, full of great action and tactics.

So I decided to start a campaign, with 4 participating commanders.

At first, I started to develop several special rules and Injury charts, as well as experience points an hero development. Then I remembered, that I had done this campaign concept quite often for several other games and RPGs, which all died in the process of rule development.

The campaign idea was the following:

4 Commanders of opposing forces are headed towards an Island with an old SSU submarine base, searching for clues for the secret SSU projects.

Each commander gets access to a “boatload” of the utmost elite forces of his nation, packed into a seaborne troop carrier.

Two ships will arrive early and their men will man the old defences, while the latter arriving troops will have to fight their way onto the shores.

Afterwards, the battle continues on several occasions on the island, where the commanders are going to face their different counterparts in the struggle for the island and the secrets it holds.

Here is how it´s going down:

Every player is going to play six games with 250 points each.

At the beginning of the camaign, he has 1200 points to spend on qauads, heros and vehicles. Every choice can be taken multiple times.

Before every battle, a commander can build a 250 point army from the units on his ship.

Units destroyed in a battle are considered dead and will be deleted from your 1200 points list.

If there are troops left over in your last battle, which can not be used (i.e.5 times Lara Walter) in an army list together, the can be coverted to other units of the same type (hero to hero). If there are no heros left, closest unit (Lara walter to armor 3 infantry) and so on.

300 campaign vicory points ( CPs ) are awarded for the victorious player.
All victory points gained by killing enemy troops are awarded as campaign victory points.

Most CPs at the end of the campaign wins.


The missions come paired, meaning there is a match and a rematch.
The result of the match battle designates the rematch battle.

First Mission(s):

In the first Scenario, one random party has arrived in advance, so there is a huge assault on the Islands shores.

Scenario: Standing on the beach (Operation Cyclone)

If attacker wins:
-the advancing troops breach the defense perimeter and try to pull through to blow up the defenders ammo depot, while the defenders pull troops from other parts of the beach to stop this attempt, no matter the cost!

Scenario: Close the window (Operation Cyclone)

If defender wins:
-the assault was brought to a halt, and the attacking forces severely crippled, giving the defenders the chance for a counter attack! The defenders use a submarine to dive straight into the landing boat hangar of the troop carrier.
Can the take control, or severely damage the ship to burn the bridge behind the forces on the beach?

Scenario: They are Here! ( Operation Cyclone) (not quite sure, it´s the first missi with the sub)

We just had our first battles and I´ll keep you posted with army list and maybe battle reports.

40Klaus, a good friend of mine may have a couple of batreps on his site, though they will be in german. I´ll try to convice him to bring in a couple in english.batreps along.

I´d like you guys to give me your opinion on:

1.) We are still looking for the next missions, tell me about your ideas!

2.) What do you like/dislike about this campaign idea?

3.) Which are improvements, you would like to see?


Placeholder: 1st mission

My game group also started a campaign. We elected to use some Dust War fair scenarios reworked into a Tactics format. Most of the canned Dust scenarios are basic and rather boring. I put one of these scenarios on the site under 'a scenario” give it a look.

As for like or dislike, as long as everyone has fun I think you have hit the mark.

I do have one question. You have a 1200 point pool to pull from as far as units. As players lose units and others don't. You potentially have a rather large gap in the amount of forces player could field. Maybe the weaker players may wont to allie to remain competitive. Something to think about anyway.

Thanks for Your ideas Panzer soldier.

Panzer soldier said:

I do have one question. You have a 1200 point pool to pull from as far as units. As players lose units and others don't. You potentially have a rather large gap in the amount of forces player could field. Maybe the weaker players may wont to allie to remain competitive. Something to think about anyway.

This part is actually intended. Victorys and losses are supposed to have an impact.

Afterall, imho this makes the difference between a series of games, and a camaign.

While the campaign moves on, your choices are narrowed down.

Campaigns we played before in Necromunda, Mortheim, Bloodbowl for exapmle, left some players completely crippled, after they had a really bad game and a couple of heroes / star players died.

I think to narrow down the choices is a far better instrument on having an impact on a table top capaign, to keep the games interesting for all sides.

And it even brings a strategical element to the campaign as you have to plan in advance which troops you want to bring to your battles, which ones will be necessary to win the final battle and have to survive earlier ones, an which troops can be sacrificed…