Suggestions for asking and answering rules questions

By prune, in Android: Netrunner The Card Game

When asking questions about specific cards, please quote the text of the card(s) you're asking about. Just going through that exercise might answer your question for you before you've even posted.

When answering questions on rules, quote rules text, quote card text. After all, why should anyone believe it's true just because you say it? If the answer is not plain from those quotes, be humble, and make it clear that you're expressing an opinion. You might have an opinion on how it works, but unless you are on or have access to the game design team, you don't know.

When reading answers, don't trust things that people state as fact without backing them up with rules quotes / card text.

All good ideas, should post this in the new rules sub forum.

I just reposted it over there, with a little better formatting.

And, I resisted the temptation to make the posting start off with "FIRSTIES!!1!!1!!!"