As the title states I am interested in the game, however, I have one broad question. What games are comparable to Kingsburg?
Interested in the game.
I have been told that "Alien Frontiers" is a lot like this game but I have not played it. This game is not like most other games I've played. Best I can say is that it is available on iphone/ipad and you can try it there for a very low price if you wanted to try it.
In essence, it is a victory point game. Most points wins…but victory points are abstract. (very Euro feeling). You roll dice, but the dice determine which advisors you can influence and rolling "sixes" isn't always the best roll. And there is good/bad with everything you can or will roll. Other players are competing for the same advisors so sometimes you will be rolling for the same thing, sometimes you will not.
The advisors merely get you resources. You then use those resources to build buildings. The buildings give you victory points and/or more perks. There can be a lot to keep track of. It is like a 5 player solitaire game but you do clash with the other players when you roll the dice and determine advisors.
I don't know if I'm helping or not, but this is one of my favorite games. I love it…but you do need the expansion. THe original is fantastic, but it will grow stale. THe expansion keeps it from being stale. They added everything I could have wanted except for the 6th player.