Alignment at Character creation

By Ulthane, in Black Crusade Rules Questions

Readng over the Skils/Talents and which gods they are assigned to.

It seems that straight out of character creation you can have a character aligned to Tzeentch..

This seems a little bit to unbalanced, especially for character creation..

Can anyone tell me if this has been amended at all?? I preferably would like someone to post something official not house ruling??

Remember that alignment is checked every 10cp. While it's possible to get it at character crreation, you'd have to do it by choosing right prides (and possibly play a psyker) which will lower your stats in exchange.
You can still use starting xp to get 4 skills/talents of other god and align yourself after 1-2 sessions (witholding spending further xp until you get 10cp if you like)

I understand that..

It is the fact only one of the god's you can start off aligned too.

As i said before, seems a little be unbalanced.

I understand this maybe a simple thing for people to get… I just don't believe it should be allowed.

Come on guys 20 times this has been viewed, i would like a definitive answer as to should it be allowed.

Well on page 75 of the core rulebook it states:
"All archetypes start as unaligned, and any advances granted as part of the archetype do not count towards alignment"

So in order to be aligned straight out of character creation they have to have bought aligned skills and talents with starting experience.
Maybe I've misinterpreted and you already realise this, but I'm looking at it and the purchasing skills and talents apart from those given by the archetype don't really seem skewed towards Tzeentch.

Starting aligned is not really a big deal. Once again, you have to both hit 10 corruption AND spend all your xp on appropriate skills. That alone creates such a niche build that any minor advantage you get out of being aligned is lost by not having spent your xp and selections on actually making yourself good at something.

Not to mention that anybody can spend their first 2 sessions or so of XP on buying the same xp stuff, allowing them to hit alignment by their first corruption check as well.

So it boils down to the fact that the niche player sacrifices out of the gate efficiency for a little bit of an xp rebate on one set of purchases and a severe price increase on two others, and possibly a little earlier access to God specific psychic powers he's unlikely to be able to purchase to start with anyway. Hardly overpowered. In fact, if anything, underpowered, since everybody else can do the same thing without much issue before they hit 10 cp.

The thing on this that after the first sessions xp, the character who shortcutted himself to Tzeench gets Tzeench skills, talents and ability increase at reduced price. that leaves 2 gods that cost more experience, but has Tzeench at reduced, and his allied god (Slaanesh?) and unaligned stuff that remain the same price.

I really have to wonder what's the issue with that. So he gets Tzeentch a little less pricey. Yay.

Having just created a Tzeentchian Q'Sal Sorcerer, I was on the one hand side amazed at being able to start Tzeentchian. On the other hand side, I realized that I now have to shell out 500 XP for every single Sound Constitution to top off my glorious 8+1D5 wounds . I would rather stay unaligned for a few more advances (getting Forbidden Lores and other skills trained is only 50 points cheaper post-change, so I don't lose out on too much) than have Khorne and Nurgle advances be almost blocked off.

Don't endure the hits, dodge them! Go for the aligned gods dodging skill! Also step aside is always the same price from unaligned.

Of course I'm going to dodge (using Precognitive Dodge, though). That doesn't change the fact there are quite a few things that just can't be dodged, not to mention dodge isn't going to work all the time. Even with maxed-out dodge and a force-field, the character definitely remains a glass cannon - which he certainly wouldn't be to this degree if he started unaligned and I could smuggle in some Sound Constitutions.

You are a tzeentchian psyker now, use tk shield. Get yourself a thrall or a sacrifice, push it and enjoy +10 AP for the rest of the session.


Oh, I know the character isn't exactly defenseless. I was mainly referring to the fact that if he hadn't started aligned, he would have been even more powerful.

Hmmm, how could a player be aligned to Tzeentch at creation? since the skills and talents you start with, dont count towards your alignment…

Have i missed something? (feeling a bit tired and slow so it could be me)

Brother Smooth said:

Hmmm, how could a player be aligned to Tzeentch at creation? since the skills and talents you start with, dont count towards your alignment…

Have i missed something? (feeling a bit tired and slow so it could be me)

Brother Smooth said:

Hmmm, how could a player be aligned to Tzeentch at creation? since the skills and talents you start with, dont count towards your alignment…

Have i missed something? (feeling a bit tired and slow so it could be me)

I thought so too, but I think we've read it wrong. From the book: All Archetypes start as unaligned, and any advances granted as part of the Archetype do not count towards Alignment. Note that it isn't talking about experience spent during character creation.

Yup, was me too tired and stupid to see it ;)

A bit more awake now, and i saw it even before anyone had replied here.. but oh well, even the sun has its spots ;)