Undying Question

By Coldmoonrising, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I'm sure this has been covered but I can't find the answer anymore.

Ex: 3 Hero game - OL picks Orges for his open group

Question: If the Master Ogre dies off and leaves behind the minion as stated by the undying skill. Does the master respawn during the reinforcement period?

I've been thinking it myself and see no reason why not. It can of course balloon into a lot of minion Ogres (since Undying says ignore group limits), so master dies, minion placed, master comes back as reinforcement, gets killed, another minion, etc.

But, you're still limited by components too - and they're aren't that many ogre models if memory serves.

Sausageman said:

But, you're still limited by components too - and they're aren't that many ogre models if memory serves.

True, there are no Ogres in D2 currently, but D1 players probably have a fair share of Ogres somewhere.

Dam said:

Sausageman said:

But, you're still limited by components too - and they're aren't that many ogre models if memory serves.

True, there are no Ogres in D2 currently, but D1 players probably have a fair share of Ogres somewhere.

I have all the D1 stuff - there are only 2 or 3 models aren't there?

I had the same question and our consensus was that the minion that replace the master is still consider to be "that" master but with minion stats and figure. So you would not be able to respawn that master next turn.

That is, until we have a final answer from FFG.

Coldmoonrising said:

I'm sure this has been covered but I can't find the answer anymore.

Ex: 3 Hero game - OL picks Orges for his open group

Question: If the Master Ogre dies off and leaves behind the minion as stated by the undying skill. Does the master respawn during the reinforcement period?

Reinforcements cannot exceed monster group limits. With 3 heroes, the Ogre monster group limit is 0/1. 1/1 would exceed the monster group limit, therefore no respawning allowed.

Undying specifically states ignoring group limits. Otherwise, in a 3-hero game (0/1 Ogre), master Ogre would be pointless since Undying + 0 minions allowed would mean it could "un-die". However, interesting take on still having to respect group limits with the returning master Ogre.