What restrictions do individuals face if we want to share (publish on the web free of charge) Star Wars adventures.
Under other systems (e.g. D&D, HERO, etc), there seems to be enough laxity for distribution of independent creation (OGL, player built settings, etc.), but Star Wars is another beast entirely. Does the creation of an adventure using a proprietary game system, and its subsequent non-commercial electronic distribution, fall under fair use guidelines (similar to the legal grey area of fan fiction, which is the most similar instance I can think of), or are there other other restrictions we should be aware of if we are interested in posting or otherwise sharing adventures we've created using the EotE system.
I think this one's gonna need a response from FFG officials (or even LucasArts) to be reliable, but maybe some experienced gamers may have some insight. I hope a lot of people are wondering about this, I'd like to see robust community support for the game after it launches.
Thanks for your responses.