Rather than the cynical view that it only exists to sell you the same rules every gencon (which is extra silly considering the Q1 release). I think the real advantage is to produce adventures with a basic set of assumptions. I can easily see a large published campaign in the EotE. Such a campaign would focus on flawed heroes and their struggle to thrive. Those themes are neither relevant nor important to Jedi seeking enlightenment or failing that peace.
And while the theory of RPG as toolkit is fine, it's hardly universal in its adoption. More modern design thoughts suggest that it's better to modify the system to emphasize the themes of a specific style. Fate is a primary example. While using the same core mechanics it significantly changes things like stress tracks between it's diffrent iterations (Dreaden Filea and Atomic Robo most recently). Simularly 40k's core mechanIcs stay fairly constant while differing systems use diffrent meathods of aquireing goods. A soldier after all buys his guns differently from an undercover agent frond a space lord. If you want a Generic Universal Role Playing System, well one exists but it isn't this product. And those of you thing FFG will change their course biased on your opinion expressed here are in for disapointment.
We're here to test their system not run their company.