New player - Really basic question

By Stumbleduck06, in CoC Rules Discussion

So I tried playing for the first time last night. Read the FAQ but still want someone real to verify how we played a particular situation.

I commit a character with one Arcana and one Investigate icon to a story. Skill was 2. Other player does not commit any characters. We resolve story icons:

Terror: Nothing happens

Combat - Nothing happens.

Arcana - I win, 1-0. I refresh the committed character.

Investigation - I win, 1-0. I place one token on story.

Story Resolution - 2 skill to 0. I get one token, plus an unchallenged token.

So at end of story phase I have a refreshed character and 3 tokens on a story. Correct?

Yup, that's it! In order to make this reply long enough to be posted, I'll also say that if you had won the terror and combat struggles, nothing would have happened since your opponent hadn't committed any characters.