Starter decks vs. built decks

By jpthegreat, in Android: Netrunner The Card Game

I played many games today and found out that this is a question. The starter corp decks have little amounts of agendas in them. And the self built decks need 20 to 21 agenda points in a 45 to 49 card deck. The question is what do you do when you want to tweak your deck? Do you have to have a large amount of agendas or do you have the choice to keep the agendas the same amount with corp and neutral?

Thank you,

jpthegreat said:

I played many games today and found out that this is a question. The starter corp decks have little amounts of agendas in them. And the self built decks need 20 to 21 agenda points in a 45 to 49 card deck. The question is what do you do when you want to tweak your deck? Do you have to have a large amount of agendas or do you have the choice to keep the agendas the same amount with corp and neutral?

Thank you,

Starter decks have little amounts of agenda in them? They have the right agenda points for the size of the deck.

Tweaking your deck at the moment with regard to Agenda is fairly limited, since there are no Agenda cards that can be used in another factions deck. Thus, you are still going to have to include most of the Neutral Agenda.

I made a corp deck this week, 45 cards, so needed 18 agenda points, and dropped out one of the neutral agenda.

When the expansions get released though, you'll have a whole load more choice (I hope)

jpthegreat said:

I played many games today and found out that this is a question. The starter corp decks have little amounts of agendas in them. And the self built decks need 20 to 21 agenda points in a 45 to 49 card deck. The question is what do you do when you want to tweak your deck? Do you have to have a large amount of agendas or do you have the choice to keep the agendas the same amount with corp and neutral?

Thank you,

Your agenda count should be the same in both the starter and constructed decks, depending on their relative card sizes. The starter decks are Faction + Neutrals, not just the Faction cards.

Paul Grogan said:

I made a corp deck this week, 45 cards, so needed 18 agenda points, and dropped out one of the neutral agenda.

You're wrong there: Android Netrunner requires 20 agenda points in a 45 card deck, unlike Netrunner. Currently, you need all of the neutral agendas to make a corp deck (NBN can drop one of their specific agendas).

There are 15 points of Neutral Agenda, and with a deck size minimum of 45, at least 20 Agenda points are required to be present (allowing deck sizes from 45-49).

Jinteki and Haas-Bioroid have no leeway in their Agenda choices. Both of their single in-faction Agenda are worth 2 points, so they must include all three faction Agenda and the six Neutral Agenda.

Weyland only needs 5 points in faction Agenda and can do that with two in-faction Agenda of 1 point each. With two CORE sets, Weyland can choose which of Corporate Takeover and Posted Bounty is represented only two times, or may choose to include 3 of each with no change in maximum deck size.

NBN has the most leeway, and can choose to include from 5 to 9 'in faction' Agenda Points across their two Agenda (worth 1 and 2 points respectively), giving them 20-25 Agenda points. If NBN were to include all of its in-faction Agenda at x3, they could get up to a 55-59 card deck if they so chose.

Agenda : Deck Sizes

20-21: 45-49

22-23: 50-54

24-25: 55-59