I have decided to move one my posts here from "Hopes for The Lathe Worlds?" topic, since it's about rules. As someone else has also noticed (KomissarK in this case), there are some rules in The Lathe Worlds that conflict with rules presented in Ascension. I hope someone might provide answer to these questions or at least give their insight so when I present the new info to my GM, we will have an easier time deciding between options on how to apply the info presented in this latest DH supplement.
(Edit: Can't seem to be able to put the bits into quote tags, mehh.)
I hate to repeat the same question, but it got kinda lost in the hype over the Crimson Guard…
But how exactly is The Flesh Is Weak talents a Tech Priest gains now reconciled with The Flesh Is Weak talents an Ascension level Magos gets?
Are the Magos talents just overruled now? Replaced by a cheaper source of TFiW until they get to the point where Magos offers something better? I have a DW game going with a Magos in the party, and I'm trying to determine how I'm going to treat this at my table.
Currently, I'm refunding XP but forcing the same "slow" progression through the talents. A bit of a mix of the two, but sort of inconsistent.
mrady said:
Honestly I would add the two togeather. I know it might get to be a little much when all is said and done, but if they can get it from two different sources by all means let them have both.
Magos Seqvirin said:
The Lathe Worlds allows 4 levels of The Flesh if Weak for a total of 800 XP, while Ascension also has 4 levels with a total price of 2000 XP. Allowing the two to stack would give a naked Tech-Priest (well, Magos at this point) a shocking AP8! Add Dragon Scale and some other nifty bits (such as Armour-Monger and Armour Plating), and nothing save for a lucky Melta blast will be able to harm him. It might be interesting to note that stacking this talent to 8 points would kick Exemplar of Metal in the bottom, since EoM only gives 7 points of TFiW.
So I don't think that adding the two together is a viable idea, it would certainly cause some concern both from the players and the GM. A more viable option is refunding the XP spend on the Ascension level version of the Talent, but that might retroactively mucks up the whole learning progress of the Tech-Priest.
There's also the fact that you had to become a Rank 12 Magos to get The Flesh is Weak 4, but now Rank 8 is enough. Makes sense to me, really, it's just that it causes some minor technical confusion.
And now for something completely different!
The new Luminen Talents are quite nice, I like the larger variety and especially the Shield/Barrier, but there is no mention of their relation to the Ascension level Electro Illumination Paragon Talent. Does this Paragon Talent contain all the new Luminen Talents as well, or just the old ones and we have to buy the new ones separately? If the Paragon Talent includes the new Luminens, then the Paragon Talent is extremely cost-effective.
(To be honest, I've just bought the PDF version and have skimmed through the bits that were of suddenly interesting to me, but what I didn't notice and correct me if I'm wrong, but there doesn't seem to be any mention of how the contents relate to Ascension's contents.)