Anybody in Arizona?

By hildargo, in Android: Netrunner The Card Game

Getting my first core set on Friday, and I am hoping to find some people that would be willing to play this in Tucson or Phoenix. Feel free to PM me if you are interested.

Bringing this post back to the top to see if there are any other players in the Phoenix metro area.

I'm in Tempe, been looking for some people to play with (this game and other card/boardgames)

I am usually at Game Depot in Tempe on thursdays, with board games and things to play. I love playing all sorts of things and have a friend that will play just about anything as well.

Name is Kevin

Hi! I live in Oro Valley (Tucson), and am interested in learning and playing Netrunner. I missed out on the first print run so I have to wait until the second release before I'll have my own copy.

Organic chem has me pretty busy until December, but I usually make it up to Phoenix once a month or so.
