Edge of Empire Beta Update: Week 1

By FFG_Sam Stewart, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beta

Love the errata; nice to see that a lot of what players have pointed out have been taken into consideration. :) Keep it up folks!

AluminiumWolf said:

Donovan Morningfire said:

I got the chance to play in a (sadly) short-lived Babylon 5 campaign using the 2nd edition produced by Mongoose Publishing. And in most instances, if you try to stand out in the open, you are going to get dropped , a poignant lesson for the Narn Soldier/bodyguard PC that thought he could at least weather a few PPG blasts (GM had us build our characters at 6th level, and he had the most HP by far). There's a **** good reason why even the heroes of the TV series made use of cover and suppression fire in most fights.

Is this actually a problem these days?

Surely the most munchkin video gamer will know that the first thing you do in a shooter is stick to a chest high wall and start laying down fire? Ever since Gears of War there is an actual button to make you stick to the cover.

I mean, show any gamer a chest high wall and surely they will instinctively want to take cover behind it.

And games like Full Spectrum Warrior

and Brothers in Arms: Hells Highway revolve around cover, suppression and flanking.

(If just getting people to take cover was the goal, I would design the game around having a series of cover points set up on a board - you can only move between cover points. Shooting at someone in cover places suppression markers on them, so they cannot move or fire. Once a target is suppressed, you send a unit to flank them, and once flanking fire is achieved, you can eliminate said target.)

There are still gamers out there that don't play video games much (or at all) even these days.

I love the changes to the Gands Species from the Update, but I really want to see what everybody thinks of their Characteristics Ratingsā€¦

Namely that I personally think they should have a Presence 1 and Intellect 2.

Reasons: They are ugly (to me), they generally keep to themselves, and they love to tinker and just based on their description, and comparing this version to previous versions (namely d20 versions) they always got a negative to charisma related stats and a bonus to mental/Intellect related stats. Because they are constant tinkerers, always customizing their own gear to fit their own style, I really think the switch to the above is viable, and would make sense.

I also think giving them the option to either begin with one rank in Discipline OR Mechanics could be fitting.

Stacie_GmrGrl said:

I love the changes to the Gands Species from the Update, but I really want to see what everybody thinks of their Characteristics Ratingsā€¦

Namely that I personally think they should have a Presence 1 and Intellect 2.

Reasons: They are ugly (to me), they generally keep to themselves, and they love to tinker and just based on their description, and comparing this version to previous versions (namely d20 versions) they always got a negative to charisma related stats and a bonus to mental/Intellect related stats. Because they are constant tinkerers, always customizing their own gear to fit their own style, I really think the switch to the above is viable, and would make sense.

I also think giving them the option to either begin with one rank in Discipline OR Mechanics could be fitting.

I did some re-reading of the Gand, both on Wookieepedia and their previous RPG entries, and I'm inclined to agree. Nothing about the Gand we see suggests they're dunces, but instead are extremely introverted due to their culture putting the emphasis on extraordinary individuals by not allowing equally gifted folk the right to use their own name. And the option for Mechanics would be a neat option as well.