Solid changes all around.
Personally I would have liked to see something more on defenses in general (I recognize the game is tooled in such a way to strongly tend toward success). It just feels that any time you are being attacked, there is very little you can do to prevent that. And if its a serious foe, most of the weapons can take down a capable PC fairly quickly.
Also, obviously Force resistance, although I'm less concerned about that (as I get that the Force really isn't supposed to be very common in game).
Good to see the clarifications on melee damage, and that the combat skill section is brought in line with the actual combat mechanics. The species changes are interesting, but now it feels more difficult to balance specieis/generate new ones. Droids still feel particularly underpowered, given the manner in which characteristics are purchased.
In fact, the metagame of "buy as many characteristic improvements at character creation" is still present. I'm not sure if it should be dealt with, but its a fairly legitimate case where one decision is inherently greater than another.