Hey all! So, I know a guy who runs a dice rolling website, and I got him to add EotE to it. Its simple, but hopefully you can all get some use out of it!
Format for rolling for EotE is as follows: XeY where X = the number of dice, and Y equals the first letter of the type of die, so A for Ability, P for Proficiency, so on and so forth.
Example: 3eA+1eP+3eD+2eS would roll 3 Ability, 1 Proficiency, 3 Difficulty, and 2 Setback.
It generates a number that represents the net number of Successes, so, if there's a positive number, you succeeded, if its a negative number, you didn't. Have to count Advantages/Threats/Triumph/Despair on your own though. However the Success/Fail aspect of Triumph/Despair IS already factored into the success count.
You can assign a character name and a Campaign name, and then the site will track all the rolls by campaign and character, so no ability to cheat either, and easy access to all past rolls.
Hope you guys enjoy and get some use out of it!