Given the FFG announcement about the new replacement part policy does anyone know if they are offering corrected Tokens and/or equipment cards for the Tannhauser line? [probably not given the Hiatus, but still worth an ask]
so far in my collection i have found the following token errors, although some are speculative;
Deadalus expansion misses out two smoke Grenade tokens and a Mauser Pistol as replacements of the Core Set and Novogrod expansion [even those who do mix up all crate tokens together won't have the correct ratio of smoke grenades to other equipment tokens]
Zorka's Telsa Coil does not have the black and yellow chevrons to depict it as 'disposable equipment' [The equipment card shows a disposable equipment token but the rule book does not either]
Wolfs Bonus Sten Gun has a crate token on the reverse side when its a bonus token
same for the shotgun bonus token which i think was in the Novogrod expansion and bears a small crate token symbol rather than a bonus token symbol
The IIkaah token really shouldn't have been marked as disposable as once placed cannot be picked up and cannot be given to anyone but Tala Aponi
the wather gun for Heitzingers bonus pack shows a Luger and the equipment card is also wrong showing 5 dice rather than 4, got this from MR. Miah999's excellent video.
there are also mistakes on other equipment cards too, Eva's combat pack shows the Iron cross 1st class as a bonus pack item when its not
Tala Aponi's TNT shows 4 automatic successes when its 5
I can live with most of the stuff but I think FFG should produce a print on demand pack of Crate-Token stickers as a farewell product so that you can standardizse all crate tokens from all of the sets and expansions by re-stickering them, or is there anyway to make one's own stickers using the proper designs?