Upcoming Update: Shipping Now

By cleardave, in Android: Netrunner The Card Game

Due: August 2012.

Does anyone get the sense that FFG is having a go at us?

Now that would be a first…oh actually no it would not.

My FLGS clerk said he might have his first copies in today (9/4/12) from distributors, though he wasn't sure if there was going to be a hold order until an official release date. Might want to check with anyone you have local also,

OMG, that would be terrible for them to be in the store and yet be inaccessible due to lockout period. I'd rather not know they were there!

Janus said:

My FLGS clerk said he might have his first copies in today (9/4/12) from distributors, though he wasn't sure if there was going to be a hold order until an official release date. Might want to check with anyone you have local also,

Definitely check with your LGS because I called mine two hours ago, and they were just getting their shipment in.

I just bought my core set on Amazon. I would like to support a local business that should exist in a metro area of 1 mil +, but sadly the only shop is 20 miles away, and probably won't even carry it.

Also just noticed that amazon is in stock. Mine is arriving on Friday.

Just picked up my copy from my local games shop. Release day and it's in the shops in the UK! The GenCon debacle obviously got things moving. Well done FFG.