Alright, so, little confused here.
With Auto-Fire, you increase the Difficulty by 1. You land an additional full hit for each Advantage.
With Two-Weapon combat, you increase the Difficulty by 1. You land a hit with your second weapon by spending 2 Advantage.
Now, with Walking Fire, you increase the Difficulty by 1, and then "generate hits". It doesn't specify how you generate the hits, so I'm assuming you use the applicable method from the appropriate attack-type.
Does the extra Difficulty from Walking Fire stack on top of what you already raise it? The text for Walking Fire says it is an -alternative- to the other methods, so it really isn't clear. However, if it uses all the exact same rules as Auto-Fire and Two-Weapon combat mention separately..why give it its own section at all?
So, would Auto-Fire Walking Fire be +2 Difficulty with hits generated per Advantage, and Two-Weapon Auto-Fire be +2 Difficulty with hits generated per 2 Advantage? Or would it still just be +1 Difficulty on either shot?