My version of the Dice Stickers two set in one page

By Filupator, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beta

I'm just finish my version of the Dice Stickers, the idea is print less and get more :P


if you like you can download from here

Looks awesome, thanks a lot! :D

I've just noticed on the yellow d12 you have 2 blank sides and only one double advantage face. Should this be 1 blank face and 2 double advantages?

Considering I just got finished assembling ALL the other dice and only have 2 yellow d12's to go before I noticed! hehe. Great work by the way.

Space Monkey said:

I've just noticed on the yellow d12 you have 2 blank sides and only one double advantage face. Should this be 1 blank face and 2 double advantages?

Thanks EFIDM for the correction, I just upload the new versiĆ³n with some credits.

And I change the colors, after the print I realize mi dices will be blue for the purple ones and pink for the red ones.

EFIDM? Whats that mean?

Sorry Space Monkey, I don't know whta happend but "EFIDM" was the nickmane I saw