I'm just finish my version of the Dice Stickers, the idea is print less and get more
if you like you can download from here
I'm just finish my version of the Dice Stickers, the idea is print less and get more
if you like you can download from here
Looks awesome, thanks a lot!
I've just noticed on the yellow d12 you have 2 blank sides and only one double advantage face. Should this be 1 blank face and 2 double advantages?
Considering I just got finished assembling ALL the other dice and only have 2 yellow d12's to go before I noticed! hehe. Great work by the way.
Space Monkey said:
I've just noticed on the yellow d12 you have 2 blank sides and only one double advantage face. Should this be 1 blank face and 2 double advantages?
Thanks EFIDM for the correction, I just upload the new versiĆ³n with some credits.
And I change the colors, after the print I realize mi dices will be blue for the purple ones and pink for the red ones.
EFIDM? Whats that mean?
Sorry Space Monkey, I don't know whta happend but "EFIDM" was the nickmane I saw